
Except it's not even close to being the end of the story. Gene expression varies. There are all sorts of scenarios in which your phenotype might not match your genotype. For example, if your cells don't recognize androgens than you may very well have a Y chromosome but be born with a vagina.

0% of Kindergarten Dropout comments are worth reading.

Yes, she's in it.

Watching pay per view sports events are about the only reason I can think of to go to Hooters. It definitely isn't for the food or the ambiance.

Garden State feels less like a cohesive vision and more like a vehicle for a soundtrack and some very specific shots (the bathroom wallpaper, the misaligned face in the mirror). The whole is less than the sum of its parts, but I don't understand the ferocity with which people hate it.

One day we decide those Chinese sons of a bitches are goin' down. So we launch a nuke at China. While it's on it's way China's like, "Shit shit, who the fuck is shooting us? Oh, well, fire missiles!!" and France is just like, "Shit guys, we got the missiles, zey are coming! Fire our shit!!" "But I'm le tired" "well…

Shred the Styrofoam and use it to line the bottom of planter pots. Grow some medical marijuana in them.

Packing material is at least useful.

You'll hear it again once you and/or your friends start getting married.

What's hilarious to me is that there was a cut-out in the Styrofoam where they put a single slice of cake, which is what Trump cut out and ate. The rest of it is packing material.

It's not actually a cake. It's Styrofoam with fondant on it.

Liberal sees/hears offensive thing: "That person should face severe social consequences! Let's Tweet our disappointment at them!"

You're probably right about taste, but mineral deposits can clog up your machine. Using filtered water is just good maintenance.

See also: "beta" An insult made all the stupider by being based on an outdated and thoroughly debunked hypothesis based on unrelated wolves forced together in captivity.

If you call someone a snowflake all that tells me is that you're one yourself. "Oh no, my opinions are not being lavished with praise. Attack! Attack!"

I used to work for a guy who grew up so far out on the boonies that he couldn't get drugs or alcohol as a kid, so he and his friends used to get "drunk" by loading a bunch of water jugs into a pickup, going out to the woods, and then chugging the water until their electrolyte levels were so jacked that it mimicked

They interact with the other upper middle class white people at their Catholic church and only pay attention to politics when it will affect their taxes.

"PC language policing is the worst. I will now freak out over the use of a four-letter word that has no historical association with oppression."

My parents have tried to deny to me that this kind of homophobia exists. It's nice to have evidence.