
Easier said than done. Most of the women who are murdered by an abusive partner were murdered when they tried to leave or shortly after leaving.

Ovulation is triggered by Luteinizing Hormone, and progesterone suppresses the release of LH. Plan B is a synthetic progesterone. If taken early enough, it will prevent pregnancy by suppressing the hormone that causes ovulation. This is why you need to take it as soon as possible. It does not work if you've already

The early trials for the pill were conducted in Puerto Rico. Researchers used poor, often illiterate women because the illiteracy and language barriers made it easier to conceal the risks. The doses back then were much higher. Women *died* from blood clots. The tests were also conducted on non-consenting women in

You pretty much nailed the texture.

Warning: Bird tongues are all keratin and no meat. Do not make the mistake I made and order duck tongue thinking it will be like beef tongue.

Mayo works well because it has a higher smoke point than butter. I do a 50/50 mix of softened butter and mayonnaise. You get some of the cooking benefits of the mayo plus the flavor benefits of the butter.

If his middle name isn't Alai, I will be very disappointed.

Please resubmit this request in emoji format.

I see people claiming that the Republicans are dreadful, therefore the Democrats must be equally dreadful a lot more often than the see-saw you described.

There are four lights!

Yep. This method is solid.

I was hoping it would be a stinky cheese situation where the smell doesn't align with the taste. No such luck.

Mammal tongues are good. I'm a big fan of beef tongue, which is why I was so eager to try the duck.

I've tried durian and duck tongue. This doesn't look too scary.

I'm hoping that this is an intentional problem to be addressed in later episodes. Infinite punishment for finite crimes is infinitely evil.

Opera rules, dude. Characters dying of tuberculosis while simultaneously demonstrating the lung capacity of a sperm whale? Yes. Sign me up.

Obligatory defense of my generation: Our supposed self-esteem problems were just a smokescreen. We knew those trophies were bullshirt. They were given out to keep our parents quiet.

Meryl Streep warned her costars in advance that she was going to keep her distance during filming. I wouldn't call that absolutely the same thing as just showing up and acting like a jerk with no warning or explanation.

My theory is that unbalanced tap lists happen because a bunch of restaurateurs decided to cash in on the market without understanding anything but the broadest trends.

I'm seeing goses pop up on tap lists everywhere now.