
I had no problem finding good, strong IPAs when I was in New Zealand.

For some reason the only Southern Tier beer I ever see in stores is Creme Brulee.

If you have a serious drinking problem, might I suggest not clicking on links that are clearly about alcohol?

As a former pie monkey who worked in a commercial kitchen, I do think of bakeries in terms of macro or micro production.

I don't know why everyone is making a fuss over Tom Hanks in this sketch. Can they not see the brilliance of Bobby Moynihan? Team Right Skeleton for life.

Even more than balanced beer, tap rooms and beer bars need to have balanced tap lists. I hate going to a bar and only having my choice between a dozen IPA varieties or the lone, token Belgian.

I love IPAs, but I've been turned off from them by this trend of adding ALL THE HOPS as if that's a substitute for developing a good recipe.

AleSmith Speedway Stout is ridiculously good.

Session ales in general are a good introduction for people who aren't used the intensity of a lot of IPAs.

90 Minute is my favorite beer, but I hate absolutely hate 120 Minute. They're very different beasts.

I was never sure if the food on my Air NZ flight was actually good, or if I was just really drunk on all the complementary wine. Either way: WIN.

If there's any broad generalizations that we can make about Millennials, it's that they're the least white generation of Americans ever.


Oven baked bacon is so superior to skillet fried that I'm angry at myself for all those years I wasted making it the inferior way.

Perfect for that bag of slightly undersized lemons.

I had the same issue with my college campus, so I decided that I would make a corresponding donation to Lambda Legal every time I ate there. Hopefully the positive points for the donations will cancel out the negative points garnered for eating evil chicken.

The egg spiral is kinda cool and also completely useless unless you're someone who has your own chickens and doesn't need to refrigerate your eggs. For everyone else it's just a future garage sale item.

Everything is intertwined. For example, a lot of what I'm told to do as a woman to avoid being raped amounts to, "Stop being disabled."

Some of the criteria to differentiate between a disorder and aneurotypicality is how it affects a person's ability to function, but you raise good questions about how we define functionality. Are accommodations we make for people really accommodations, or are they just a different way of doing things?