
Whine and cry outside our bedroom door while we're fucking.

I've read that dogs are the only animal besides humans that will look at the object being pointed at, but it's because of their association with humans.

My dog knows that when we start playing Pantera's "Walk" it means that it's time for her walk.

I do wish the media would stop linking the outbreak to his role in getting Planned Parenthood health centers closed. It was his drug policies that started the outbreak. Our enforcement policies were terrible at keeping drugs out of the state (but great for filling up private prisons), and then he sat on his thumbs for

But the coolest thing about a Pence VP candidacy is that it means he definitely isn't going to be governor of Indiana again.

*sees a book leaning to the side, sets up straight* Did I just right a book?

I think they block shoot this show. I'd honestly be okay with a different actress playing Hortense from scene to scene.

My vote for Season 4 Ghost Hortense is Emily Heller.

Dear Vague Hollywoo Powers,

I love this story so much. I want to roll myself up in it like a blanket.

Shop talk mostly centered around refilling the case with live bees.

I worked in the computer service department of a big box electronics store. I had run through this spiel multiple times each week: "You want to return this computer because it won't work? It looks like you've removed the RAM, hard drive, and processor. Have you tried putting them back in before trying to turn the

And the Temperance Movement.

I'll never get another chance to play my "do a shot whenever Hotchner smiles" drinking game. So sad, as I'd yet to play a game that got me anywhere near tipsy.

"Blurred Lines" is a garbage song, but it gave us the Weird Al parody. That's enough to earn my forgiveness.

You get your marriage license from the government, but holy matrimony is the religious institution. Semantics problem solved.

Not sure if this person realizes that "top two" most harassed genders still wouldn't include men. Is it really so hard to remember the existence of people outside the binary?

Ponies are jerks. Horses are awesome.

Where does the personhood of the pregnant person figure into any of this? Since when do we harvest from one person to keep another alive?

Does pregnancy magically become risk-free at 23 weeks?