
Taran Killam in the Merryville Brother sketches: YES.

The Merryville Brother sketches still haunt my dreams.

Arguments about the personhood of fetuses inevitably demote the status of pregnant people to sentient life support machines. So what I will agree to is that pregnant people are people. Any right to life a fetus might have doesn't include the right to live inside a person's body without his or her continuous consent.

The pregnant person gets to decide whether or not to stay pregnant. That's usually, but not always, a woman. Sometimes trans men get pregnant, too.

Anti-choicers don't have the greatest history of honesty when it comes to those images either. They'll slip in images of natural miscarriages or stillbirths that look more graphic than the products of an actual abortion.

Demanding that fetal material be buried or cremated is an additional burden, but it's also a backdoor way of banning the donation of said materials to medical research programs.

What is he, some kind of liberal who needs a handout? Fire up the laptop, buy yourself a camera, and make your own content. If those darn, lazy Millennials can make their own content creator jobs then surely you can with your fine, Republican entrepreneurial spirit. Who knows? You could be the star of the next Fireproo

Special technology developed the the Church of Scientology.

I have tiny child hands, complete with freakishly skinny thumbs. More than one friend has asked to try on one of my rings only to get it stuck on their pinkie.

Between Hulu and Netflix, we've finally decided to drop our satellite package. The only difference we've noticed is it's going to be harder to watch all of our sportsball, sportspuck, and sportscars. But that's why God gave us sports bars.

I can't remember if Diane's gestational week was mentioned on the show, but per CDC stats 63% of abortions in the US (from 1999 to 2008 anyway) took place during the embryonic stage. Other stats have pretty consistently put more than half of abortions at or before 8 weeks.

As someone who lives in a red state that does have those restrictions (Mike Pence represent, woo!) it really added something for me to see them satirized, state-by-state regulatory accuracy be damned.

But you still have some body piercings for sex stuff, right?

I don't know why I watched this. I'd done so much work coming to peace with the fact that Amber Tamblyn will never love me, and now I'm just bitter again. Why, Amber? Why him and not me?

I'm not saying that Dennis Reynolds is a serial killer. I'm just saying that you should go anywhere alone with him, because of the implication.

I'm not sure who from the Babylon 5 series stole what cursed jewel, but they need to give it back right now before the dark magics take another cast member before their time.

Hey, that's Beloved Character Actress Margo Martindale to you.

I love the movie, but I'm not sure if I can forgive it for getting that song stuck in my head for a month straight. Maaaaaaybe I can if it means that Jenny Slate becomes a voice acting regular.

The family insisted on giving me Barbies instead of the action figures I requested, so I figured out how to mod them using painstakingly applied layers of Elmer's glue that had been mixed with food coloring. Barbie proportions already looked more alien than human. It wasn't that much of a leap.

Every time you use a transporter, you die and then a replica with all of your memories takes your place.