
See also: "Serena Joy" for any woman who supports blatantly misogynist policies.

They're the same ones who are opposed to civil rights laws that say public accommodations can't refuse service to people on the basis of membership in a protected class. So doctors should be able to refuse to treat patients because they don't like gay/black/non-Christian people, but Twitter booting a user who broke

I speak for the entire SJW hivemind when I say we won't rest until every frozen peach has been thawed. Down with freeze peach. Viva la room temperature stone fruit.

*Curses the powers responsible for giving a great show such a terrible name*

"I'm Carlos Mencia."

The scene where Rod angrily storms out of his house, breaks the glass in the door from slamming it too hard, and then yells from off screen, "And I'm genuinely sorry about the window!" makes me lose it every single time. I can't explain why I find it so funny, but that was the bit that sold me on the movie forever.

Bubba Ho-Tep, Hot Rod, Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

All media everywhere posts years of all-male roundtables: No one comments because only featuring male opinions is just the default.

I'm in the child offset program. I'm having zero babies and donating my replacement rate allotment of children to couples that want big families. There are enough DINKs in my immediate social circle to cover at least one old school Catholic couple.

Good question. We have an agreement that the whole "killing hookers" trope is gross and sexist, but we're okay with reducing the world population of magicians. (No culling people from the birthday party circuit who are just trying to pay their bills. Vegas acts & Magic Castle invitees only.)

Mr. Enuma and I have said to each other multiple times that we do not love each other unconditionally. There are definitely conditions. Serial killing would be an obvious deal breaker.

My mother in law is one of seventeen children. Her family is fantastic. You can STFU.

Your last sentence should be cross stitched on pillows and put on couches across the country. It's fantastic advice.

I don't understand the hate for Chewbacca Mom, but I fully bacta these puns.

Holy shit, how did I forget about Bubba Ho-Tep? That movie is genius.

I've been drinking green tea all goddamn day.

Josie and the Pussy Cats made the list but Hot Rod did not?

*sniffles* RIP: Defiance

People do need to be more inclusive in their mockery. I'm an equestrian who likes hockey. Why am I being left out? #sportspuck #sportshorse

I know when I want to sneak up on someone, I do it while yelling, "Just let me talk to her!" over and over again.