
They weren't just smuggling her though. They also had William's dead rat. There was that scene where Tatiana was ordering the plane to smuggle William's sample, and it pretty pointedly omitted mention of also smuggling Martha. Could be a misdirect, but it could also mean that loading her up for the first leg was just

Yesterday I saw people attack a woman who was agreeing with their views because her original comment omitted a comma that would have changed the "no" in her comment from an adjective to an interjection.

Cool story about the British origins of our American word, bro.

If the outrage is "fake" wouldn't that mean that my feelings are closer to the mild resignation that I described?

I'm sorry that you lost your precious billboard and all, but you're projecting your outrage against "my kind" onto me. I'm not outraged. If anything, I'm mildly and resignedly disappointed.

It's almost as if people are objecting to the use of this scene for billboard ad campaign but aren't objecting to the scene itself.

There's no good, practical, or accurate way to enforce trend/aggregate lifestyle data on the individual. Big Macs are unhealthy as a general rule, but some individuals can eat them everyday with no ill effects while other people can eat "perfect" diets and still end up fat and diabetic. My husband and I rarely ate

I have private insurance in the US. It's taken me 2-4 months to get in to see certain specialists. If I need any lab work or scans, there's always the dreaded precertification wait of 2-3 weeks. Precertification doesn't guarantee coverage, but skipping it guarantees that the claim will be denied.

Some people are illiterate. It's more common in areas with high immigrant populations. Illiteracy is not some moral failing that means your feelings and opinions stop mattering.

If it's a false false dichotomy, doesn't that mean it's a real dichotomy?

I haven't seen the movie, but I've read the novel it was based on. It was a really popular book, so I expect everybody in the country to be familiar with the characters. The ending to that drink scene is universal pop knowledge, and if you don't know it's not a depiction of date rape you must literally be

Point 1: I'm going to bring back that mango yogurt.

The Avengers: Age of Ultron trailers really loved to linger on that shot of Captain America's broken shield. That's the closest thing I can think of in movie ads—the iconic equipment being used in place of the person. Cracked Batman mask or torn Superman cape? Yes. Helplessly tied up Batman or unconscious Superman? No.

If you're watching the movie then you know that he's stronger than everybody so gender doesn't really figure into who he's strangling. She's fighting in a war. Stuff like getting strangled by a member of the opposing side might happen. Even the trailer gives away that much of the story—-hence the relevance of the

The trailer provides story context. You see other shots of Mystique beating people up. You hear her give a "rally the troops" speech. You hear Apocalypse screaming about destroying the entire world and hating literally everything/everyone. You get the general gist of the story.

Female: Maria Bamford
Male: Emo Philips

We're going to get a fun island.

It's a stupid little detail, but Kate Beckinsale has really endeared herself to me as an action star for her ability to fire guns without blinking. It's a rarer talent than you'd think. Sunglasses abound.

I am having the sexiest nightmares about all the Karen Grishams on this show.

Maria's bit about her work at Target has always been one of my favorites, but this episode layered some additional darkness onto it.