
THIS. Australia is a rabies-free continent. Bringing a dog into Australia without following Australian biosecurity laws is a majorly asshole thing to do.

Pawnee is just upside down Muncie. Look it up. It's in the thing.

Is that a specter from the attic?

Huh. Learning. And now I have to furiously google why mismatched chromosome pairs will work for mules/hinnies but not for mankeys.

She is an unexplored goldmine when it comes to those big heads you see in the student sections at college basketball games.

I heard that Molly Shannon came up with her Mary Catherine Gallagher character after being asked to write a blurb about Maria for a comedy festival.

This probably marks me as a real weirdo, but my favorite thing from Lady Dynamite is watching Maria Bamford run after things. She manages to be sloth-like and frantic at the same time. I love her hunched over, arm-waving scamper so very much.

It's a deeply bruised spot for the bisexual community. The promiscuous bisexual trope gets hammered over and over again. Even a whisper-light brushing against it is going to hurt a little.

And now to ruin the joke: Humans and chimpanzees have a different number of chromosome pairs, so we can't interbreed like horses and donkeys.

Margaery's suffering came at the hands of Cersei as much as it has the hands of men. Cersei manipulated events so that the Sparrows would arrest Margaery. Cersei just didn't anticipate how spectacularly that was going to backfire. It also helps that Margaery's suffering hasn't the torture porn of some of the other

Ideal ending: Margaery marries Jon Snow and they rule Five Kingdoms. The North becomes independent again under Sansa. Dany decides to stay in Essos where she can fly around incinerating slavers and acquiring Cool Titles.

I'm from Indianapolis and my husband was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago (he's fine now, no evidence of disease). I had that fucking cancer book of Green's shoved in my face so many times. "Oh my GOD. IT'S AMAZING. You will love it." Because Indianapolis and cancer, I guess.

Sports has a permanent place on my list of albums that I play when I need to get things done. Not everything needs to be high art, and chores go by a lot faster when you can pretend you're in an 80's movie montage.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans. No more merciful beheadings. And call off Christmas.

No worries. I just wanted to show people how fun I can be at parties.

Enuma is a reference to the Enuma Elish, not a misspelling of enema. Long vowel sound on that u. More Babylonian dragon goddess of primordial chaos being ripped apart to form the earth and sky, less butt stuff.

Also for the record, I did not attempt to do this with a Sharpie and a Post-It note immediately after reading this.

Sometimes not-for-profits are badly run, doesn't mean they're all bad. You can always research them before making a donation. The Fistula Foundation is very transparent about where their money goes. They have financial reports plus the last fifteen years worth of 990s posted on their website.

This will hit theaters just in time to soothe my Lady Dynamite withdrawal. There is a God. His name is Dave, and he likes to party.

If you're worried about the grey areas, all that tells me is that you're willing to risk raping someone. If you don't want to be accused of rape, then stay the fuck out of the grey areas. It's not that hard.