
"Spring Break" is pretty great if for no other reason than it gives me an excuse to sing the phrase "crushing pussy" in my best dudebro voice while still feeling like a socially conscious person.

Minor correction: Hemant's blog is called Friendly Atheist and Patheos is the hosting site. There are a lot of other blogs under the Patheos banner, and not all of them are atheist.

I was going to name my future child Big Mistake (It's pronounced Beej Miss-TAH-kee, you Luddites. Get some culture.) and tell the kid that it was a traditional name from the old country meaning either faulty armor or overstaying house-guest, depending on the dialect.

There were so many Matts in my school when I was growing up that they all skipped the last initial bit and just went by their surnames. Nobody called any of them Matt.

They could have at least gone with authentic names that no teacher would ever pronounce correctly. Oisín, Aoife, Niamh, Cliodhna, Maidhc, Arddun, Myfanwy, or Addfwyn. Tacking random consonants to the beginning of Aiden is boooooring.

They were busy snacking on the horse that Brienne killed during her fight with the Bolton soldiers. And that horse was totally dead, not just injured. It was only picking up its head when she came back to finish off the rider because that horse was a really bad actor. - personal head-canon

This really bugged me too, at first, but it's a pretty common trope with anything "fairy" that they are prone to rules lawyering. Fairies and fairy tale worlds are the birthplace of the rule sharks trope. Ambiguous wording and inconsistent application of the rules are a feature, not a bug.

Rice pudding many variations in texture. Good call. Arborio rice can officially GTFO.

Rice pudding can be one of the blandest desserts in existence. Just don't add any vanilla, coconut, or spices.

Terry's increasing distress every time a new detail of Rosa's personal life is revealed was just the best.

I'm wearing a hairshirt right now in penance for those early season one days when I thought Gina was going to drag the show down. She's amazing.

You can't make risotto without all that starch. Arborio also makes the best rice pudding. Philistine.

But I'd no longer have to say the show name as, "Brooklyn 99 All You Can Eat Lobster" so the trade-off might be worth it. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Best dog name I've ever seen is Barkimedes. Super jealous that someone else thought of it first.

Apparently having dogs with rhyming names would be "too confusing" for them. So divorce, and I'm suing for full custody of Hodor.

We already have a dog named Hodor, and people either immediately get the reference or think we've named our dog "Hoarder".

I think this is genius. Husband says no. Clearly, our next step is divorce.

Here's hoping I win. I obviously can't buy these. Cookies that come packing like this must be obtained and then eaten in secrecy and shame.

I've only seen a handful of Castle episodes, but now that I know Claudia's in one of them I will have to go find it.

I keep trying to convince my husband to let me name our next dog Trogdor.