
Danny DeVito's rendition was so good and gave me such horrible nightmares that I developed a phobia of those stupid birds. I react to them the way some people react to spiders or snakes. I wish I was kidding.

Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride. Honorable mentions to Wallace Shawn as Vizzini and Andre Roussimoff as Fezzik. Limiting it to those three because otherwise I'm just going to list the whole damn cast. The entire movie is the definitive adaptation of the book. Please, no remakes. Ever.

Mira Furlan managed to make Delenn simultaneously alien and human. Claudia Christian delivered that, "God sent me" speech of Ivanova's, and I can't picture anybody else doing it the same justice.

*sits in a corner, Photoshopping the Major's hair onto pictures of Rinko Kikuchi while sobbing quietly*

I don't think you can really offset this like I do with my occasional slip-ups where I eat at Chik-Fil-A and then assuage my guilt by rounding up my receipt, doubling it, and then donating that amount to Lambda Legal. The state needs to feel an immediate and negative impact. That impact is not going to come from a

Yes! My suggestion for the name is: "Against Creationism? Let's Unite!" I know that name is a little lengthy, so we can just shorten it to ACLU.

I heartily agree with both of these recommendations.

I'm always getting Bill Pullman and Bill Paxton mixed up.

The main reason I care about this presidential election is the potential SCOTUS seats that this next president might fill. If it wasn't for that, I'd be focused entirely on getting the Speaker of my state's House of Representatives ousted. The English language isn't sufficient to describe how awful he is. But all my

His fan club is a big part what drove me away from organized atheism. I want to keep creationism out of science classrooms, not be an asshole to perfectly nice Christians who agree with me 98% of the time.

Dammit, Doug Jones. I want to support every single thing you do, but you are really testing my loyalty with this one.

First, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I'm really, really sorry. Hugs if you want them.

We're reading it as rape because Murphy had a chain around his neck at the time, and Ontari said she would kill him if he made her even the tiniest bit unhappy. "I've just credibly threatened to kill you," is one of those situations in which it doesn't matter if you get a signed, notarized consent form afterwards.

It's not legally binding on criminal courts. There's definitely nothing to stop a prosecutor from using the threat of the death penalty to get someone to plea to a lesser charge. I added it to my will and as part of that made the two beneficiaries of my will promise to read it during victim impact statement phase of

But I don't wanna go over there.

My only criticism of Short Term 12: Needs more Stephanie Beatriz.

Hollywood is the land of starvation diets. Maybe there's a link?

Maybe they got Martin Luther King confused with Martin Luther? I know Luther was more focused on being a crazy anti-Semite, but he had some overlaps with the Confederacy's goals.

My favorite bit was the callback to Amy throwing the glass over her shoulder in the Thanksgiving episode. Nobody's throwing you out of the bar this time, Amy!

I can't decide if Amy Santiago's party was an amazing drinking game or an even more amazing way to trick Rosa into divulging personal information about herself. You know that every answer to that trivia night was recorded in a binder… as soon as poor, hungover Amy stopped puking.