
Bart the Bear.

I'm in the same boat at squirtloaf, also possibly because I'm older. When my friends post their pictures, the feedback is 95% from other women… and 5% from gay men. The oohing and aahing is also mostly over outfits and makeup skills rather than physical looks themselves. Anyway I'm generally for selfies, even if

I'm gonna use it for sex.

I have a handful of friends who are professional touring musicians. There's a very specific reason why none of them crowd surf if they're wearing a skirt.

THIS. If your first move is to try to create an obligation, you're probably an asshole

And the "meet cute" ideal puts women in a double bind.

Because politely saying, "No thank you," is soooo indignant.

You don't have to apologize. Most guys are just there to hear the music like I am. The vast majority of you are awesome. It just sucks that there's a few that gotta spoil it for everyone. The talking directly in the ear does up the creep factor. Especially when they come up behind you and just start talking without so

And I definitely wouldn't take my wedding ring off for a top shelf drink. My husband knows to skip the liquor-based drinks altogether and get me a beer. :)

The guys who use the walk-up with drink in hand cold-call approach are throwing out mass bait to see what catches. They aren't using top shelf liquor. That gets saved for when you can see them ordering. It's not cost negotiating. It's just familiarity with the style.

How is it mixed? Please explain. Leave out the part where you read into what I wrote things that aren't there.

That's really what you took away from it?

I go to bars to hear bands, not to socialize with strangers. People should be able to take a "no thanks" gracefully and go away. I won't bug you if you don't bug me.

Any ladies familiar with the "carry an empty beer bottle around the bar all night so I have an excuse to turn down that unsolicited drink from the guy I've never met even though he's still going to call me a bitch when I say 'no'" trick? Sorry to turn down the drink I didn't ask for and don't want, but you spending

Yahweh and Mary. They had a kid together, so I always wanted the story to off Joseph and see those two get back together. I like it when families reunite.

You kinda said it yourself. Making a false accusation is a crime. So why is that that presumption of innocence only goes towards the person accused of rape, while people are perfectly happy to assume a woman who reports rape is guilty of making a false accusation until she proves herself innocent by getting her

I'm freaking pumped! (Maybe because I've been drinking green tea all goddamn day.)

Let's just hope nobody builds a Paunch Burger nearby, or we're all screwed.

It's all well and good until somebody gets stuck with five dishes of those raw peppers, and nobody will fucking trade me for just one tray of cheese dip. I don't need all these goddamn peppers, I just need one thing of cheese. You know I have no chance of winning. I just want to build one decent nacho.

It was always my dream to open an ice cream shop called Ice Cream Cones of Dunshire. It would ideally be next door to the Low-Cal Calzone Zone.