
I especially liked the part where I got to leave him before having to do any of that nasty caretaker business, like sleeping on a rock hard hospital chair while residents come in to wake you up every hour, picking up all the bloody tissues because chemo = constant nosebleeds, or changing catheter bags. It was non-stop

I'm an atheist, and when Mr. Enuma was diagnosed with cancer about a year and a half ago I reacted exactly like Dean Cain. Exactly, right down to telling him to grow up. The movie got it right. We're monsters.

If you're happy and you know it, clap your… oh.

Amy cataloging Jake's embarrassing childhood moments was the best. I'm just going to check my email…

I did die. This is my ghost posting.

In my headcanon Hugh is his middle name. Guy H. Mann

The omission of UHF means something. It's important.

PFT just looks so right in a boat captain uniform, to the point that I'd have no trouble believing it if someone told me that he provided his own costume for this episode.

Rye would you want it to?

Ugh, I hear more people complain about "sportsball" than I hear sports fan talk about the games. Also, not all sports are played with balls. #hockeyfan #sportspuck

I've got two. First is Let the Fire Burn. I knew that, "History is written by the victors," but I didn't really understand it until I saw that documentary. How did I make it all the way to my adult life without knowing that we dropped a bomb on Philadelphia? It made me realize just how much I didn't know what the fuck

I've been to three Iron Maiden shows in my life, so I can safely say that sometimes breaking that rule *is* the rule. You frankly look kinda weird if you're at one of their concerts and you aren't wearing an Iron Maiden shirt.

I don't know if cancer can kill cancer.

I'm just going to tell myself that Lemmy counts, since he'd only been 70 for a few days. Thus the rule of three has been fulfilled and all of my other British idols are safe. Cuz this is totally how cancer works.

Warning: If you're British, 69 years old, and have cancer…

Will the contract extension come with a new set? I don't have strong opinions for or against Meyers, but his set is the worst. Not Britta Perry the worst. It's full Mona Lisa Saperstein. The wooooooorst.

No love for Brooklyn Nine-Nine?

I met Neil Gaiman at a party once. I was taking a children's lit class, and he had just published Ocean at the End of the Lane, so we chatted about children's books. I asked for some reading recommendations, which he jotted down for me (1000x better than any autograph) and then he gave me a really big hug.

The duet that I hope is happening in Heaven right now. David & Freddie.

Let The Fire Burn was one of those movies that honestly changed my life. The MOVE bombing should be a standard part of high school American history curriculums. The number of people who have no idea this even happened is astonishing.