
But somehow an exoneration gets chalked up as "bitches be lyin'" no matter how much or how little she had to do with the conviction. Her story may have been, "I was raped. I never saw his face. I can't identify him in a lineup. I can only give this very vague description. All I know for sure is what happened to me."

For blue-shifted pinks, yes. But there exist pinks on the color wheel that are merely tinted red. They're still viewed as a separate color.

No, two different inmates escaping once is a design flaw in the prison. You install bars and a few dozen feet of razor wire in the sewer pipe so nobody can follow Andy through; you don't knock down the prison. That's pretty simple. A serial killer who walks away in plain sight of everyone every time he's caught, who

"If Jessica had been in a different circumstance like having immediate access to a bunch of resources that she didn't have, then she could have reasonably made different choices. Now let's judge her decisions as if she did have those resources."

True, but the cut wire just sped up something that could have happened for reasons outside of their control. The utility company turns it off. Unrelated criminals go looking for a new hideout. New York gets hit with a hurricane…

But a ball gag is still a temporary solution, unless you drag Nurse Claire into the situation to install an IV and feeding tube so that you never have to remove it.

There's a huge difference between "would kill again if he escaped" and "is definitely going to escape, and then resume killing."

Plus he's leveled up, and Jessica doesn't have a good handle on how his powers work anymore. Hard to design a prison for a super-powered person when you don't know the extent of their powers.

The thing is that Kilgrave literally only needs a second to escape. If he can get you to hear the word, "Stop!" that's all he needs to get you to freeze and then listen to his commands to remove all your other safeguards. Jessica caught him without having any containment set up, and her first cell was a lucky fluke.

I agree with you on point 1. I even disagree with the criticisms of Jessica that she should have been out to kill Kilgrave from the very beginning. However, I think AKA 1000 Cuts shows that with Kilgrave's powers, there's just no way to keep him contained with any kind of permanency. Jessica certainly couldn't hand

It's said with good intentions. I used to say it myself, and I only ever meant to condemn a person's actions in the strongest possible terms. It's just one of those things that can have unintended consequences. Language has a bigger effect on how we think than we realize.

Can someone translate this article for me? I started to read it, but then everything turned red, and when my vision returned it was hours later and I was in a completely different room surrounded by broken furniture and blood. Anyway, I'm sure it's a problem with my frilly lady brain. I guess my delicate feminine

If there's any truth to Bojack Horseman, the easy solution is to lock Kyle Smith in a room with Character Actress Margo Martindale. I doubt she'd need more than a few minutes.

The reason for the push-back against describing rapists as "monsters" is because of the: "But I know him, and he isn't a monster," line of reasoning that is used to dismiss women who try to report rape.

Side question: Do other languages have a buttload* of contronyms, or is that just another way that English is a special snowflake?

Can you snoop into her iTunes or equivalent? The most played songs might give you a hint.

Actual last minute gift idea that works: Tickets. Buy people tickets to something. Get theatre tickets, get symphony tickets, send your brother to see the Mountain Goats, or make your dad take your mom to the opera. Tickets are print-them-yourself these days. You buy the gift, two minutes later you are holding the

I know best performance lists tend to focus on dramatic roles, but no love for Andre Braugher? THIS LIST IS FALSE.

I was not a fan of Will Simpson's character, but I at least got the sense that there was a longer arc being set up, maybe even for future seasons. So some of the issues I had with him came across more as slow build or intentionally holding back for future episodes rather than weak writing. I never really felt like he

Maybe, but they tend to make a deal out of the money they spent or trouble they went to. It's their reason that the rejection can be ignored.