
I liked the first Pacific Rim movie. I liked it a lot actually. But unless they've decided to kill off Charlie Hunnam's character (preferably to replace him with Doona Bae, who I think would have infinitely more romantic chemistry with Rinko Kikuchi) and cast Doug Jones as one (or all) of the Precursors for the

I'm still angry at the internet for not creating a Being John Malkovich parody called "Tyler Perry's Being Tyler Perry" (That would obviously just a room full of Tyler Perrys saying his own name over and over again.)

Don't forget, "What? Are you too good to flip burgers/dig ditches/shovel shit?"

The year I won my fantasy football league, my team was named Oprah's Vajayjay. I'm not at all girly, but I always pick a really girly name. It's super satisfying to watch the taking-it-way-too-seriously dudes in my league lose to a team called Glitter Rainbow Party or Sparkle Dancer's Army.

Poor Jane. She deserves so much better than to be stuck with Agent Not Dean Norris all day.

Knifey-spoony sounds like Rosa's post-sex cuddling position. (Obviously Marcus would be spoony.)

The only part that bothered me was Jake completely blowing Amy off when she told him that he'd hurt her feelings, but that was assuaged when his reaction to her revenge plot reveal was pure admiration. He knew that he deserved what he got and openly admitted it.

"All hail the crown of destiny, and all hail she who wears it: Amy Santiago."

Good thing you didn't let him in on the bigger mind control secret, that "spelling" has the same root word as the "spel" in "Gospel". Churches are mind control, man! Not figurative, but literal mind control. The reason you get so sleepy during homilies/sermons is that you're being hypnotized.

I saw him in Indianapolis. It's one of the few times I've pounced on tickets as soon as they went on sale, and by pure chance I picked a seat on the aisle he used for his entrance. Some of the best money I've ever spent.

I'm not ordinarily a lyrics person, but damn. Her lyrics are incredible. So layered and cerebral, but they never weigh her songs down.

Yes, there are thousands and thousands of uses for corn, all of which I will tell you about right now.

Octavia Spencer: Great Drunk History reenactor or Greatest Drunk History reenactor? Her Harriet Tubman cracked my shit up.

Yeah, but Paget Brewster is the queen of the universe and we should all bow before her.

It's a tough line to walk. If Simmons finds out that Bobbi has blabbed to Fitz (which is likely inevitable) then Bobbi knows she'll never open up to her again. So do you blab one super important thing and shut down the line of communication, or do you keep the confidence and thus stay in the position to hear other,

*pours one out for Selfie*

Upvoted for correct usage re: lecterns vs podiums.

Fish donuts? WHY?

Gerd jerb, ehternerb?

When is the show going to discuss May's obvious superpowers? I don't mean that she's a tiny Asian woman who easily beat up three muscled up dudes. I'm referring to the fact that she Does. Not. Age.