
Was anybody else thinking during that scene:

People do get tattoos on their internal organs. They probably can't do the pancreas, but my hubs had a tattoo in his colon. It was sort of an "X marks the cancer" visual left by his endoscopist for his surgeons.

Please, please, please let there be an episode where Peralta goes undercover as a drug dealer.

The puka shell necklace was my line.

A lesser show would have made that joke all about Jake slamming Boyle down for being a dork. I love that Jake goes full Boyle for Boyle: nurse shoes, spicy cake, and singing "My Humps" parodies front of prisoners.

I was attracted to him even when he was in his art hipster douche disguise. What is happening? Am I a monster?

*In full Chris Crocker voice*

But remember Ward? He was a total creep and kept harassing Daisy, on an obvious redemption arc, to try to overcome her rejection. It worked and they had a beautiful, star-crossed romance.

Well I was raised Catholic, so that means the service needs to be as long as humanly possible. Pre-funeral service at the funeral home, funeral at the church (full Mass), and then another service graveside at the cemetery. Then we go to someone's house to drink. If you get home before dark, you did it wrong.

I feel simultaneously disappointed with Harry Potter and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, two things I love.

Screw the Prime Directive. This isn't the Federation. This is America. MANIFEST DESTINY.

We're all going to riot if she's not in season 2 of Another Period, agreed?

Poop eggs? I am so on board with that, even if it means house-egging would take a dark, e. Coli laden turn.

Did Britney Spears really ask the best question? Thanks for shaking the foundations of my worldview, Amy Poehler.

"You can't change me. I'm a gypsy. I'm a sea cow. Yeah, I know the motorboats are going to hit me, but this is where I fucking swim." - Maria Bamford

I'm only qualified in one of the two areas, but it's nice to know that all my time banging Disney princesses could eventually pay off.

There's an unidentified corpse on the north face of Everest known as Green Boots. Anybody who climbs from the north side passes him. Another climber died in Green Boots Cave. He was passed by multiple people, and it's thought the reason no one even tried to provide assistance is that any climbers who saw him just

Plus the majority of skydiving deaths are experienced divers who doing something more than just a standard jump, like hook turns while close to the ground, formations, jumping in unusual environments, etc. And some of those deaths are people committing suicide by taking off their chutes after jumping.

"Well, tell your disappointment to suck it; I'm doing a Bottle Episode."

The Monty Python sketch where the Michael Palin pays to have an argument. The ending is just a feedback loop of lampshading, where all the troop members arrest each other for various sketch comedy cliches.