
I have an odd fondness for BWW, if only because it's a BWW bartender who once refused my Anheuser-Busch swill order and instead gave me a Three Floyd's Gumballhead, ushering me into the world of beer that does not suck.

But the manatees will refuse to work if you take even a single idea ball out of the tank. The PC police are literally taking away all humor.

Unfortunately that quote now gets trotted out in the spirit of, "I can say whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want, to whomever the hell I want. If I reopen old wounds or really hurt your feelings it's your fault for even having feelings, so SCREW YOU FIRST AMENDMENT I'M THE NEXT BILL HICKS WOOO!"

God, that quote is overused. Yeah, some people say, "I'm offended," as if that gives them certain rights.

And that's why you should to go Hooters for your Valentine's Day chicken wings.

I'm so torn. The premise looks so hacky, and yet I feel compelled to support any project that adheres to my "Paget Brewster should be in everything" theory of television.

I'm still a little bitter about that cancellation, and I was determined to hate that show based on the name alone.

Sounds good. BUT… we should be armed in case one of us decides to rape the other. Otherwise, weren't we kinda tempting fate by having someone over to watch a movie?

Jenny Slate's appearance on The Meltdown is on the shortlist of things I watch when I'm feeling down and need to cheer myself up. It's seriously amazing.

I understand why the involvement of a weapon affects the charge, but why is being raped by someone you know a lesser crime than a stranger? Being betrayed by someone you know and previously trusted makes rape worse, not better. If my rape had to happen, I wish it had been a stranger. It wouldn't have felt nearly as

Castration gets really mixed results. For sexually motivated rapists (some classes of pedophiles or rapists for whom hurting someone is how they achieve sexual satisfaction) castration has had some limited success.

If you're really bent on that advice, don't tell give it from the perspective of what she shouldn't do. Talk to her about intervention on behalf of of her friends should they be drinking: the anti-rape version of telling her to take away the keys from someone who is too drunk to drive. (Ie: Talk to her about not

Yep. Like I said, may or may not work. There have been many times since then that I've done everything "wrong" and been 100% fine. Up until then I was a complete by-the-books goodie two-shoes.

I'm not telling you what to do. You asked. I answered. The advice proved to be ineffective, but it did give me a checklist of reasons to hate and blame myself. It's negatively affected my relationship with my parents in ways that I don't know will ever heal.

From someone who heard all those tips as a kid and was later raped anyway? Kinda, yeah. I did replay everything my parents had said, imagined how disappointed they would be, felt really stupid, and blamed myself. For many, many years.

The analogy doesn't hold up when you compare a situation that is dangerous because there is a high risk of accident to a deliberate crime. The comparison to standing out in a highway makes it sound like rapists are just innocent men running around at high speeds with their erections out and then accidentally slamming

Standing in the middle of a highway in inadvisable because motorists traveling at highway speeds may be unable to avoid you despite their bests efforts, hence the phrase car accident.

One of the (many) reasons I hate the wallet analogy:

It's also very different in that theft fulfills material needs. We can debate the legitimacy of what they're going to use those gains for, but ultimately people need money. People steal from cars because they're assholes, but they also steal because they have addictions to feed or because they lack employment. Theft

The thing I hate about her argument is that it's inherently misandrist and excusing. It assumes the rapist has as little agency as a wild animal.