
I'm disabled. I can't run no matter what shoes I'm wearing. So I guess I should just stay locked inside my house 24/7 or I'm asking for it, huh?

It's a bad assumption. Sorry, but pointing that out is not a non-sequitur.

I've been Googling and Googling for instructions on how to leave my vagina at home on the nights that I want to go out and have fun but not get raped, but I'm not finding them. Can you post the link?

Nooooo… the discussion was about avoiding bad parts of town. I'm just pointing out that this is a privileged point of view. Some people have no choice but to be in the bad part of town. That's not a non-sequitur.

Rape victims are deterred from reporting when the entire anti-rape message is "Don't be a victim". Anti-offender campaigns don't give rapists sudden moral epiphanies, but they do take pressure off victims which increases reporting.

Yeah, rape is caused by behavior in victims like getting drunk, wearing revealing clothing, and being around "bad" crowds. It is not caused by the offender's attitude and choices towards the victim. That's why sexual assaults never happen in Wahhabist cultures that have banned alcohol, strictly segregate the genders,

And if you're poor and live in the bad neighborhood because it's all you can afford, well, you deserve whatever happens to you because you obviously weren't savvy enough with your bootstraps amirite?

There's only nine episodes so far, but Jesse vs Cancer is really good. It's not a downer "Woe is me and my ass cancer of the ass" podcast. It's more like a stand-up comedian who is home bound because of his ass cancer amusing himself by making a podcast.

Angela Bower. I like a job where no one really knows who's the boss.

Any of the bosses of any of the six main characters on Friends. I want a boss who pays me enough to afford a big apartment in NYC without all that nasty "going to work" and "working while at work".

The writing was strong, but it's Brewster's amazing delivery that made Dodo such a quotable character. Her voice work is a goddamn national treasure.

I'm a big Tig fan, but if you're looking for cancer laughs you're much better off going to Jesse Case of Jesse vs Cancer.

I never would have guessed that Leggero had such a knack for physical comedy. I hope they keep finding reasons for Lillian to dramatically fall down.

The effectiveness of castration is spotty. There are studies showing lowered recidivism in repeat offenders whose primary motivation is sex, ie: predators who attack people because they find hurting people sexually arousing. (Rape is a crime of power, but in these cases the power is how offenders get it up.) So in

The limits on sick time are a major issue for me, as are corporate cultures that encourage people to not use the sick time they have. My husband was battling cancer last year. Chemotherapy completely knocked out his immune system. People were constantly coming into my workplace with the flu. I had to act like a

There are a bunch of scenes in Hot Rod that make me laugh every time. In no particular order:

The best TV edit in the history of TV edits.

Mr. Enuma just went into remission from stage III-C colon cancer, and listening to this podcast has been cathartic in ways that I can't even describe. Everyone who's asked me what it was like, I just send them a link to the podcast.

I need, nay, I demand an Another Period gag reel. There have to be alternate versions of some of these lines, and I want to know how many takes it took Michael Ian Black and Paget Brewster to get through the "You sucked my dick, madam!" scene without breaking.

My main reason for watching is that I'm a strict Pagetarian.