
It would be tough. Some state DMVs have medical revocation boards where physicians can report patients they feel should no longer be driving. The tricky part would be creating a layer between the medical review and the point of sale so that the seller wouldn't know why the background check was being rejected.

Yes, for me the mental illness restrictions on gun purchases should be about preventing suicides. I hate that they're being lumped in with murders. The reason that men are more likely to complete a suicide attempt than women even though the genders attempt it as the same rate is that men are much more likely to use a

That might be the case, but I'm leaning towards it being more straightforward. Abortion Deb's goals for women were:
1. Right to vote
2. Get reamed from time to time

Even if this episode had been awful, it would have been worth it just for adding, "What in the hell of all shits" to my lexicon.

Why would Hortense go to Chair and Hamish for help with her situation? She has a friend named Abortion Deb fer Chrissakes.

When Chair comforted Garfield after his ravishing, it was implied that Garfield had some feelings for her. I think he may be projecting those feelings onto Towel.

I didn't know it was possible to want to high-five a cartoon character as badly as I wanted to high-five Princess Carolyn at that moment.

I didn't know how much I needed these pictures in my life until I saw them.

You want to see if she "keeps" the missing eye.

They'll linger just fine with the one viewing. I like the original reference to the Gorgon mythology. There are some things you can't look at directly, at least not for very long, without it permanently fucking you up. I don't think sinking myself into a depression honors anyone.

You ever watch a really well-written tragic drama and at the end think, "I'm glad I saw it, but I never want to see it again." ?

I read the, "Are you shitting me?" in Victor's full rage-scream voice.

Have I been Googling ways to rip audio off a DVR so I can turn that bit into a text alert for my phone? Maaaaaaaybe.

My only criticism is the same criticism I have for every episode: More Paget Brewster, please.

Obviously not a strict rule, but it's been my experience that the people who invest a crap ton of money into getting tattoos* and having them regularly touched up protect their investments. ie: They're more likely to stay in shape and wear sun protection on the regular. That's going to be a lot more helpful in making

I was so bad about the "I'm sorry" thing as a kid that my mother would forbid me from saying those two words in that sequence for entire days. Of course, as soon as she told me to stop apologizing my automatic response was, "I'm sorry!" I really can't explain it. It's pretty reflexive.

As I've said before and will in all likelihood say again:

It's like doing a SNL parody of Sarah Palin. All you need is verbatim quotes.

Only because Cosby Loving Liberals insist it stay on the air.