
Born With Teeth doesn't say anything at all about Mulgrew's journey to joining the cast of Orange is the New Black. The book ends sometime around 1999.

Daily access is a factor. It would be amazing for age peers to have the authority or sophistication to pull off that kind of manipulation. If there was a significant age gap between you and your childhood friends, that could be an issue. The access your childhood friends had was granted by your family and could be

But how many generations is that study looking at? The thing is that if you make incest legal for one generation, then you make it legal for all successive generations. A single generation of incestuous pairings is only slightly more likely to create birth defects, sure, but repeat it with the kids, grand-kids, and

Regarding your question about the level playing field: No long-time friend or co-worker has ever had the daily access to me, especially as a child, that a member of my nuclear family has. It's not even close.

It's not necessarily mental illness, but it is social deviance. There is a psychological phenomenon called the Westermarck effect in which close proximity during early childhood acts as a kind of negative sexual imprinting, making people almost as unlikely to marry their best friends from Kindergarten as a brother or

Sanity is not a medical term. It's a legal term denoting whether or not a person can be held criminally liable for his or her actions.

Next up is a moguls mogul. He made his fortune building those bumps on ski runs.

Chelsea Peretti has a bit in One of the Greats where she says that if guys got their periods, jokes about the blood coming out of their dicks would be a staple of comedy shows. There's no way male comedians would go on stage and be like, "I don't want to disrespect comedy by talking about it; it would be déclassé."

"Why are you lawn boating? Afternoons are for defecating and learning Latin."

You think a person's genitals are less deserving of privacy than underwear. Wow.

If you're asking about information that could be covered by HIPAA, then yes, get "pre-approval" because you could be committing a gross violation of someone's boundaries.

Seeing her videos posted to general social media exhausting, but Sarkeesian receiving rape and death threats sent directly to her is something she is being hyperbolic about and should just get over.

*briefly sprays one out from the fire hose*

Oh please.

Aw, you're adorable. Keep trying, buddy. You'll graduate from Kindergarten eventually.

It's Victoria Jackson & UHF all over again.

Marriage is a civil right. (Yes it is. Read Loving v Virginia)

Tu quoque, dearheart. It's a special case ad hom, and it's what you did. I know you won't own up to it as I've read your other comments, but maybe in the future when you don't have to worry about saving face you won't make the same mistake.

Oh dear. I'm afraid you really need to Google "ad hominem to quoque." Your argument was just as fallacious as trying to disprove the statement "french fries are unhealthy" by pointing out the person saying it sometimes eats fries.

Sometimes when I'm feeling generally crappy, I watch this. Incredible performer. The world should be grateful that she ever existed. https://www.youtube.com/wat…