
I hear Seth Rogen had to audition in a Speedo before they'd let him play Rose Byrne's husband in Neighbors.

Your original comment was nothing but an ad hominem tu quoque. So what if Rose McGowan has voluntarily worn revealing clothing? You didn't address her argument. You just attacked her personal dress.

Adam Sandler is more attractive than a regular schmoe? Oh, how the regular schmoe has fallen.

Apologies for my low class, poor person mistake. It's an unfortunate effect of lack of education mixed with low blood sugar. The all-meal eating schedule is hell on us hypoglycemics.

I'd gladly be the meat in a Paget/Christina sandwich.

I rewatched the scene of Dodo getting shot up with heroin about a dozen times. The way Paget Brewster says, "…and now I'm Latin," cracks me up. Same goes for her talking head scene when she describes Hortense and her unfortunate thigh heft. Brewster's voice work is a goddamn national treasure.

I'm glad to see more people are adhering to my "Paget Brewster should be in everything" theory of television.

Sacred perhaps, but if could I talk in Sadie Doyle voice I would never stop using it. I'd go to drive-thrus and order things I don't even want just so I could hear myself say, "Two Big Macs, one McRib, and a Shamrock Shake" in that voice.

Then there's licensing to use a song when a show airs vs licensing it to put the song on the home media version. A lot of times you end up with the big name artist on the original air version, and some band no one has ever heard of on the home media. Producers don't always want to pony up to license the big name

I probably wouldn't do it now that I'm an adult, but at the time I was a kid handing toys away to younger kids. Parents seemed to be cool with that.

I gave most of mine away before leaving the store. Usually I'd hand them off to little kids. However, I really liked playing right after some dude had just wasted a ton of money failing to win a stuffed animal for his bored looking girlfriend, and then giving whatever I won to his lady.

Same. The Wal-Mart when I was kid had a machine that I played all the time and always won on my first or second try. The best day ever was when I played it right after the machine had been refilled. 8 tries, 10 stuffed animals.

Just saw her a week ago. I'm in love.

Jokes made in a public forum about the rich, white Olympic gold medal winner trans woman will also be seen by poor trans people, and non-Olympic gold medal winning trans people, and trans people of color. Jenner is a big deal because trans people have historically had so little public representation. If you can't

Your loss. We Bs are the bee's knees.

Two words: potato gun.

God, yes. YES. A good 85% of the reason why it's so tempting to write off the off the romance on this show as cheesy is the voice overs. They have such a high cheese factor that they coat everything else with a thick layer of Velveeta.

"You have no tail? I have no nine and a half."

Not really.

I think The Meltdown with Jonah & Kumail is getting a second season.