
They aren't made up things. They're righteous firebrands. Furry, moist avengers. Stalwart hounds to bring up the rear and bark out the clarion call of justice.

Brienne cut them loose by wildly chopping apart their ties. Running away from that isn't stupid. It's pretty much the smartest thing a prey animal could do.

Mid urology exam? Or would that be the best time?

Worst place to turn into the Hulk would be someplace where the term
"hull breach" could apply, particularly if it would expose you to the vacuum of space or crushing underwater depths.

She'll get desperate, lose her soul again, and be *thisclose* to being released. At the same time, Oleg and Stan's plan will come to fruition and they'll make their bid to get her back. The Soviets will interpret this as proof that Nina's still a traitor (why else would the CIA want her back?), and all of the horrible

Little known fact: Andre was banned from eating gas-inducing foods while visiting zoos because his farts would enrage the male elephants.

There's a video floating around the internet of Mandy Patinkin telling stories about Andre's general kindness towards cast and crew members during the filming of Princess Bride. The dude's hands were so big that they could double as blankets for cold cast members between takes.

I had to park a mile away from my polling place, walked there in the rain, and got a rom-com sad scene worthy splashing from a passing van on the way, but I voted.

Pence is going to get a lot of real estate on my blank Cards Against Humanity. I'll have to rewatch his interview with George Stephanopoulos for inspiration.

You lived near Three Floyds and moved away? I know that Indiana sucks and all, but still. Zombie Dust.

I dunno. I'd call it a tie with the crap he's been pulling with Glenda Ritz and the Board of Education ever since their election. I know that's not strictly a 2015 event, but it has spilled over into this year.

No, I fell. My head got hurt like Wash.

I just wish I had the writing ability to change enough details and turn it into a novel. Then I could monetize my personal pain like a real American.

When I was 20, my ex-best friend was dumped by her abusive psychopath fiance and decided to save face by telling everybody that she had left him because he and I had been having an affair. I lost almost all of my friends overnight. At the time I was devastated.

There's nothing creatively bankrupt about the key change in Marvin Gaye's Inner City Blues. It's a thing of beauty.

Sometimes I think Divergent started off as a present day YA romance, and Roth only switched to the dystopian sci-fi setting when she realized a society of personality based cliques factions would allow her to hand-wave away her thinly written, one note characters.

It is really annoying to be watching a scene while knowing the entire time, "Welp, this is obviously *insert actor name*'s Emmy reel." It totally takes me out of the moment. That never happens with this show, which is a big part of why I love it so much.

I'm really sorry you have to deal with that. The anti-seizure med I take causes word recall problems where I'll either lose a word completely or get the wrong name for something stuck in my head and know it's wrong, but I won't able to come up with the correct noun. (Eg: getting "chain" stuck in my head when I the

I'm starting to question the quality of this show's research. Every Hoosier knows that in the meat in the traditional meat and flowers Indiana courtship is a pork tenderloin.

Like I said, my experience was limited. My exposure was to people who were in an institutional setting, so they weren't exactly a random sample of people with the disease. For them there was a strong correlation between word salad and being unable to perform basic self care. But institutional settings by their nature