
Fitz is least problematic, but he's not really supposed to be crazy like River and Fred. He's just damaged. Which is why I'm so frustrated that the writers are leaning on the same tropes anyway. It's suuuuuuper repetitive. It's not that it's wholly inaccurate, it's that they write mental illness and brain damage the

I appreciate that by the episode's end all of Fitz's rambling about the "data not making sense" was somewhat explained (De Caestecker deserves a medal for making his dialogue work in this ep), BUT…

The real answer is pretty obvious. The dress is octarine. People are all seeing it differently because they're not wizards or cats.

This was okay but lacking in Animal violence. But the subjects of puppets has reminded me…

I love Tig, and I think she would do a solid job.

Anyone else notice that in almost every bar scene, the beer bottles were Upland bottles? I wish they'd repped a better Indiana brewery (not that Upland is bad, we just have much better breweries). But it was appropriate for southern Indiana, especially if Pawnee was supposed to be somewhat near to Bloomington.

We saved all that bitterness for The Fault In Our Stars

When I was in high school and living in Nobletucky but going to school in Indianapolis, none of my non-white friends would come over to my house because they'd have to drive through Carmel to get there.

Donna probably couldn't live in Carmel, but I hear you can totally DWB there now.

Mona Lisa should have been the Fashion Mall. It's the wooooooooorrrrrrst.

As long as you don't want to buy it on a Sunday.

You forgot beer. We have Three Floyds & Sun King.

I have several friends that hail from Muncie. They all refer to it as Balls City.

Muncie has the Heorot. That alone makes it an a-okay place.

It also made it kinda funny that the roving bachelor party had to drive a really long time to get from Lucas Oil to St. Elmo in that episode.

I like this much better. Donna deserved better than the Fashion Mall in Indianapolis, which is LITERALLY the worst place on earth.

A+ deployment of Traveling Wilburys at the end. (I will never not love hearing some Traveling Wilburys.)

Oh Ben Wyatt Fanfiction, I'll miss you most of all.

Agreed. She's supposed to be a blank. What is the point of chaining children to their beds and subjecting them to all-day, everyday conditioning and brainwashing techniques if not to hollow them out?

If I step on someone's foot, I'm not going to refuse to apologize because they weren't sufficiently polite to me when saying "Ow! That hurt."