
I've been a juror on a rape trial. Testimony from a victim is evidence if the witness is deemed credible.

I'm honestly flummoxed that you think car ACCIDENTS are comparable to a deliberate action like rape. Defensive driving is necessary because accidents happen even when everyone is doing their best to avoid them. Rape is not accidental. Nobody gets distracted by their cellphone and then looks up to find that oops! I

Shorter version: Ladies, just accept that you will always have to be second class citizens to men.

The justice system is working as it is supposed to work. The legal presumption of innocence still applies to Cosby. His risk of going to prison because of any of these women coming forward remains 0%.

Last time I was at one was with my best friend, on the way back from her
grandmother's funeral. We were both physically and emotionally exhausted, then we hit that second wind where you become euphoric for no real reason. We both decided we absolutely had to have Cracker Barrel, and even though we'd been passing signs

I dropped that hoping someone would pick it up.

Hold your cans. A C is the correct grade when you compare this episode to other episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. It's just that a C on this show would be an A- for nearly any other show.

Now gimme that Christian side hug, that Christian side hug
I'm a rough rider, filled up with Christ's love
Gimme that Christian side hug, that Christian side hug

I know this is the episode of the amazing line readings, but the expressiveness of Melissa Fumero's face is a goddamned national treasure.

One of the Rodents of Unusual Size from The Princess Bride
Lord Helmet's helmet from Space Balls

At first I wondered the same thing. Then I realized that it was just the mark of how good this episode was. On an ordinary day, that cold open would have been a major, if not THE highlight of the episode. Here it gets overshadowed, not because it wasn't funny, but because everything else was so. completely. amazing.

The thing that's making me really sad for Fitz and Simmons is that finishing sentences for each other was a common part of their dynamic. It practically defined them. She's trying to help him in a way that's intrusive and unhelpful, but it's also very much a return to their old habits. It's just that now, because of

Maybe Mjolnir is a loyal serial monogamist. It was going to get down (up) with the Cap, but then it remembered it would have to break up with Thor first, and Thor hadn't committed any dump-worthy offenses.

You know your frame job is super obvious when freaking Talbot is like, "Maybe SHIELD is innocent this time."

By the time they were in a position to make a 4th season everyone had other projects going on and they had to shoot based on everyone's availability, which necessitated disparate story lines. The core cast had too few scenes together. One of the best things about that show was the amazing chemistry they had with each

Please tell me this is a reference to the Berenstain Bears pop-up book.

I've got a whole slew of medical problems. "Your body is a wonderland," is what my SO says to me every time another one of my organs finds a way to malfunction, or when I start a new medication and discover its fun side effects. (I can't taste carbonation anymore. Thanks, Topamax!) I think that's about the only way to

I would really love it if Moshe because a (sparingly used) recurring character on B99. He can be starting up a brand new hipster restaurant in every appearance, each one more horrible sounding than the last.

"If you like carrot cake, why don't you just a carrot in a cake pan? Roll it around. Roll it around."

I thought it was incredibly fitting that Lester took himself out. He liked to think of himself as a victim of other people and of circumstance (and then he could be a hero for beating those other people and circumstances), but Lester Nygaard's greatest obstacle in life was always Lester Nygaard.