
The Bechdel test isn't an in-depth analysis of whether or not a movie is feminist, or whether or not the women characters are positive role models. It's really much more useful when you use it to look at movies collectively than to examine any movie individually.

Who doesn't love the fallacy of relative privations? If someone has a similar problem as you, but worse, then you don't get to complain about that problem. Which means that nobody gets to complain about anything, because somebody always has it worse.

Oh we have plenty of other things to complain about. But since this is the Onion AV Club and not a political website, we're probably gonna stick to talking about movies.

For me, what happened in the Sept was a consensual sex scene. It was a consensual sex scene so completely and utterly mishandled by the director that no viewer in their right mind would interpret as anything other than a rape scene. Nevertheless, in terms of canon, it was supposed to have been a consensual sex scene,