
Yeah, I can't remember the last time I downloaded a big-budget movie riff of theirs. Oh wait, no, I did get Gravity, because it was free as part of my Kickstarter deal.

A cameo by Pitch would have been interesting.

And the guy who voiced Gypsy, though they've never been a riffer, really. (And anyone who knows their MST3K historical drama knows why he wouldn't have been included…)

THAT would have been epic.

Righting what once went wrong, in the hope that his next leap, will be the leap home…

"Pysch" is one of my Top Ten All-Time Favorite TV Shows Ever™.

I would have seen this movie if it had come to a Theater Near Me. But at the time, the local 5-screen theaters WERE only showing the likes of Batman, etc. UHF never made it here. [It did in Chicago, but I was too young to drive, and my parents weren't about to drive me there just so I could see a movie. Plus we didn't


I can't vouch for most of the Rifftrax content, as there's so much of it, but many of the Rifftrax Live jokes have been obscure references — or if not obscure, then at least not all low-hanging fruit. (Of course, I try to think of an example, and my brain helpfully draws a blank. But I had one in mind when I first

A separate movie centered around a young Obi-Wan might have been interesting, I think. And really, some characters aren't interesting in their story arc until a certain point; for Anakin, that point was when he became Darth Vader, not before. I felt that way before I saw the prequels, and the prequels did little to

And on top of that, I'm about nine minutes in, and it doesn't even really line up all that well on a scene-by-scene basis.

Is this that Cos-Play I've heard so much about?

I'm with Jesse on TMBG.

The weird thing is, I haven't even seen The Groundlings yet I felt like I'd seen that sketch before.

This comment section is the best thing ever. Yes, even better than beef stew.