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    He did say the Latin name for Grimm when he saw Nick. So I think he can speak, he just doesn’t care to.

    Remember that time Nick was partially turned into a Zombie and the only lasting side effect was “plot necessary super-hearing” Maybe that will make him immune to the staff…

    [spoilers enabled, bad german spelling enabled] Ok, so here’s an idea. What if it’s a splinter from the ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’? The wood has certainly selectively protected them by knocking out the swat team—and only the swat team. Also, when EVE touches it, it causes her to write all the

    Jeb! …oh too soon.

    I see what you did there, and I approve.

    “SHOTGUN-AXE” -my favorite Mack one liner

    Evil Lincoln, good to see you outside a Grimm review, sir :D

    well played.

    resonance? in tune? I see what you did there

    When Monroe was wandering around the cave there were skeletons dressed up with jewels, which I believe is an intentional/unintentional reference to these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

    Although Mack still managed to make a pecado/pescado translation joke which made me more happy than I thought it would.

    Zoroastrianism is a good choice for him, given the religion’s strong cosmic dualism between good and evil—which really plays into Mack’s all or nothing approach to the moral dilemmas and Inhuman situations this season.

    I kicked myself for not realizing the Daisy reference until now (having not read the comics before). That dang 1892 song was a metaphor this whole time: “I’m half crazy over the love of you.” Good ol’ crazy Cal. I hope Tahiti was a magical place for him. This episode had me thinking about the Frankenstein’s monster

    Agreed. Really shows how far (low) fawn will go for a vote: making her jewish boyfriend announce his faith in Jesus…


    Some thoughts:

    On point. I started the show looking away from the screen and I actually thought it WAS Schmidt’s mom for a second. Until the subject matter put it in Fawn territory.

    *model bartender