
To further clarify, I view Kanye West as a celebrity not a musician, and many of the current trends in popular music to be indicative of the fact that popular music, like most other aspects of popular culture, has completely fallen off a cliff. People readily accept this because they don't know any better.

It doesn't make you a sucker but it probably does make you a myopic Pitchfork/Spin reading drone who doesn't realize that there is far, far better music out there than the trash that is being universally promoted by these supposedly indie publications. The cause is celebrity and most of the virtual rags are fully

This list is an absolute joke. I'm genuinely sorry for you if you think this has any merit. I would speak at length about why most of these albums suck, but I'm not going to waste my time. Anyone who sees any merit in Kanye West, let alone thinks of Yeezus as a great album, isn't worth my time. Sorry suckers, this