Chris Roberts

I actually preferred it to The Sweet Hereafter… Edmands keep the canvas small and it allows him to deliver some pretty powerful blows. Plus the eventual showdown between Amy Morton's bus driver/actually responsible mother and Louise Krause's village idiot/mother from hell was kind of perfect in a very familiar, indie

This is one of the best reviews I've read in a while (not that Ignatiy isn't consistently awesome) so thank you for that. I saw this one last night and while I honestly believe that it is not a good movie I don't think it was nearly as bad as the critics would have me believe (currently sitting at 11% on the

I'm certainly not going to throw in the towel after two episodes but I think this show left a lot to be desired. What I was hoping for (absolute best case scenario) would be something that harkened back to Alias, a show that I loved and that seemed to have a lot in common with this show. At the very least I thought a

While I am very sympathetic to your beefs with this episodes feeling too conventional in the way it uses sitcom tropes I was sweeter on it than you. The opening minestrone gag worked far better than I would have thought possible and even though much of the beach house storyline is built on nonsense I think that they

thank you!

I will admit that your belief in this show is making me question my stance against it. Should we watch and compare notes on Monday? May I ask where you found the videos? I honestly had no idea they existed. Still haven't reas Vulture and I guess at this point it is an AM project…

I read Sepinwall this morning as well. Will check out Vulture now. Their daily emails to me always end up in my spam box for some reason so I forget about them. I might check in with you mid-season to see how you are feeling about it.

That is true for sure… and I always reserve the right to catch up via streaming after the show is over if I hear good things about it. My assumption is that AV Club won't be reviewing on a week to week basis so I'll have to look to other outlets to see what they are saying. Are you planning on watching?

The problem is that I have that affliction wherein if I start a show I have to finish it. And with that in mind, Once is easily the worst show I currently subject myself to on a weekly basis. Even Once Upon a Time in Wonderland wasn't this bad.

Sad to say but the fact that this show is borrowing the timeslot of the shockingly bad (at least recently) Once Upon a Time and that A.V. Club only gave it a B- means that I am going to skip this one for now. It doesn't help that it is coming out in jam packed January either…

It's gotten really painful for me to think about how good this show was back in season 1 and then compare it to the mess it is now. Truly I'm only hanging about because I have a crazy loyalty to shows and will stick around through the most insufferable of endings. Agreed though that this episode was a mild step up