Matt Boner

Testes, testes…1…2…3?!?

McShane is going to be a Septon

Now we know what Wyllis was talkin' 'bout

That was To-to much

God of War (or was it GoW2?) kicking the box to the other side of the spiked-floor cavern…or the entire climb out of the underworld. Fuck all that!

Not John, but rather a more satisfying demise for Ramsey would to see him taken out by…no one.

Bobby Hill had an actual love affair with Luanne's cosmetology head…and probably some fruit pies too

It kinda was in true Romance.

…or maybe, sometimes a girl just wants to bust a nut.

I have to wonder if one of those fifteen bodies was sans head? Otherwise, add Joe to that list.

Blitzen Trapper FTW!

"I am sound in mind and body and ready to run circles around the inferior minds of the Rock County Sheriff's Department."
"Lou is a state cop Karl."
"Shut up Sonny…I will need you to drive however."

Confused? You won't be after tonight's episode of Fargo! Ha-ha-ha!

I feel that Dodd is not too concerned with and Elron complex as much as he his living up to his dad's baadasssss history. "My husband would have shot you where you stood," Floyd told Bulo.

No, there was also CGI smoke (and CGI flames too, I think) after he used it on that KC fella, don'tcha know.

I'd love to see Season 3 go back to Molly and Gus!!…with an appearance by an elder Karl A. Weathers.

Definitely a nod to Ionesco and the drunkard who refused to succumb to the mob mentality and transforms into the savior of humanity. As wonderful as this episode was, it was still Karl's episode.

There is however a fine line between camp and flat out silliness, to wit, Alex sitting on the floor of the blood supply closet tearing into bags of the good stuff. Oy vey!

Probably why he was invited to the serial killer soiree last episode

When they were lying on the floor and itching, they all had measles.