Beef Supreme

if you're not hooked by the end of "Two Boats And A Helicopter" then odds are you're not going to get hooked. that episode is one of my favorite hours of television. there's just so much about it that makes it great & helps define what kind of show "The Leftovers" is going to be that i just can't talk about it briefly.

the "explosion" & mention of all the airlines being grounded were the "Wait a minute. What?" elements Lindelof & company left for us to puzzle over while they dicked around with the evening's third version of "Take On Me".


yeah … .

it's a paradox.

is it just me or was Tommy inordinately shitty to Nora before hopping out of her car? i can imagine that line delivered in a number of ways that might take the sting out of it, but the way Chris Zylka put it out there was just dripping with 'fuck you'.

you were/are right.



that "It can't really be THAT bad, can it?" inner monologue is a vicious, vicious thing.

"The Matrix Reloaded" is a very bad film. "The Matrix Revolutions" is so bad that some huge defense contractor should figure out a way to weaponize it.

well … i went into that movie knowing down to my bones that it was going to be bad & was astonished by the true magnitude of just HOW bad 'bad' could be. like "The Matrix" sequels before it, BvS is so bad that i actively question my judgment of how bad it is. this will lead me to watching 20 or so minutes of it

then, truly, you have achieved Nirvana.

nicely done, sir.

it's hard to argue with the absurdist comic perfection that was that press conference, but Stone Cold making an appearance might have helped unite the country.

watching the President of The United States tell a room full of reporters that he summoned to the White House, "I don't have to tell you anything!" was priceless.

Aussie horror film "The Loved Ones" should absolutely have made this list. last year's "Nina Forever" was also pretty great.

call me 'old school', but i'd still rather see the kids knock Milo's teeth out in good old American real life. i think it's important to get their exercise out in the fresh air.


frankly, i'm cheered by the fact that he's gone with something as cerebral as "Finding Dory".