Beef Supreme

don't forget Barbarella.


good times … .

this weekend just keeps on giving … .

that forearm shiver to Spencer's head is going to be my favorite thing in the entire world for a long, long time.

“The most amazing thing for me about this election is I felt ‘I don’t understand the opposition well enough at all”“

couldn't agree more, but this heinous practice is rife in the pages of GQ. makes a Hollywood mega star in a $2700 suit look like a kid about to make his first communion.

jeez, i can't win with my Disqus Trump posts being read literally! i fucking loathe the guy & his whole Manson Family parade of supporters.

perhaps there actually is a good & just God.

da fuck is wrong with you people?

Ted Nugent is in Michigan deeply insulted by the Trump campaign's refusal to plunder his catalogue. "Stranglehold" just seems like it would be worth a point or two in the national polls.

caught a few seconds of that & just came away confused. just seemed like awfully lightweight satire — especially when one considers the supposed target. Alec Baldwin did a better job & Baldwin is only fractionally less reptilian than Drumpf.

dude, you are a machine!

the comment was intended as sarcasm directed at the author's flaunting of the 'Trump gonna Trump' meme that's getting a little too much traction on the media commentary sites i've been visiting over the past few days.

apologize for reposting but there is nothing fucking funny about Donald Trump or any of the obscene shit he does. from a 'Reply' below:


jeez, you sure got a lot of mileage out of this totally ephemeral, really not worth noting at all news story that isn't a news story!

"CSI: Disqus".

this premise could barely maintain consistent lulz with a gonzo surreal, 15-minute 'Adult Swim' format. as is, it's just painfully dull & off-putting.

even the earlier scene at Delores's besieged homestead was very Judge-like to me. the pompous, quasi-literary language, the drive to heighten even the most severe cruelty — the only thing missing was a naked, demonic dance around a nighttime bonfire.