Beef Supreme

that's the best you've got? jeez, i can use the same scene to paint him as a even more of a douche (Ned forces his 7 year old son Bran to watch every second of the execution because one day the responsibility of repeating the nastiness may fall to him) — providing i completely withhold all of its context.

Ned Stark may have been dumb as a rock but he was honorable & loyal & proved himself to be the best goddamned man that shithole of a continent could have ever produced.

Bialystock & Bloom?

my dog's ready to eat my face off by late afternoon if i haven't fed him a half a can & some dry food in the morning. i'd say Ramsey's dogs were awfully restrained considering they hadn't eaten in a week.

for all the fantastical goings on this season, GOT has slipped into the realm of the very, very ordinary.

this really cannot be said enough.

did i miss the part of the review that points out that the Warrens were completely & totally full of shit?

just for clarity's sake:

just substitute some airy female vocals & you couldn't tell the difference.

freshman CIA analysts need all the help they can get. and it's well-known that drone pilots love the hard stuff — don't want them knocking off their favorite bands.

he'll have every chicken in this place.

well played, sir.

now THAT'S racist.

being old enough to have lived through this malignancy when it first tried to destroy America, i can authoritatively say, "F**k that bullshit!"

i know i'll get some shit for this, but Chadwick Boseman looked like he had some pretty respectable ups for a guy in a full-body leather costume.

Bell Biv Dinesh.

16 years old with a belly full of Budweiser, a head full of mescaline & a five-alarm sunburn covering 75% of my body — these elements were all just prologue to my careening off the Alpine Slide at what felt like the speed of light & losing consciousness before wiping out in the grass.


she may have actually been born after the collapse of the USSR, but Archer's Katya Kazanova got a lot of the party in her.

the United States of Batman.