Beef Supreme

when does he fight Batman?

they're still kicking & they'll melt your face live.

things kick ass!


that is the most inspired casting choice … ever.

that's a really well done trailer — seemingly innocuous setting gets weirder & weirder until we're waist-deep in total freakout horror. reminds me of the trailer for the original "Cloverfield".

nothing against Will Smith, but better to go with Frontline in this case.

almost, but not quite, stole McShane's thunder in all her episodes.

"Hey Internet, We Stepped In A Huge Pile of Shit With Our Magnificently Awful Pajiba Nod Yesterday! Help Us Out Here, Will Ya?"

100% agreement to your "100% agreed".

oh dear sweet baby jesus. this. a million times this.

having read the Pajiba piece & this post, i've come to two conclusions:

lack of "[REC]" & "The Loved Ones" here immediately brings this list into question for me.

perhaps the AV Club could quell the furor sparked by this list with an accompanying, "22 Songs That Are Great Despite Being Anti-Jesus"?

it's kinda scary how a continuously awful miscarriage of American criminal justice can make for such great television. like Josh, i hope the Avery/Dassey cases take on a "Paradise Lost"-like place in the popular consciousness (the parallels in both cases are just mind-bending) & the state of Wisconsin at the very

i know the AV Club had a boner for it, but "Wayward Pines" just struck me as some of the worst damned television since the later seasons of "The Six Million Dollar Man".

these are the questions that has kept man searching since the dawn of his existence.

is there a maximum security prison there? i mean, she's adorable but she's also on the hook for multiple homicides.

i was probably just being cranky, suffering from Duplass overload.

you know, i've seen "It Follows" several times now & after each viewing it's either sucked harder than anything i've ever seen or been a brilliant deconstruction of 80's horror & a harbinger of good things to come in the indie horror scene.