Beef Supreme

i sure hope Peggy gets to see her pelican.

man, i don't know about this one.

i'm with you, buddy.

sooner or later, people are going to figure out that Mark Duplass is just Adam Sandler with marginally better SAT scores. and i will nod slowly, deliberately & say, "i told you so" in a grave, hushed tone.

i'm inclined to agree. but that doesn't make them unreasonable; just lacking in empathy. a lot of research in the area suggests sociopathology is a lot more prevalent in general society than we'd like to think.

yeah, it's just a whole bunch of amateurs at the Federal Reserve & the global stock & commodity markets, & any number of global political appointments where a basic handle on trade, currency fluctuations, & markets of scale might inform your day-to-day schedule. not to mention, those idiot academics publishing those

is Russell still advocating ill-defined 'spiritual' solutions to the egalitarian redistribution of the world's economic resources? i'd always wondered why that idea never gained any traction with market professionals.

yeah, it was definitely Travolta's wig that sank "Swordfish". i mean, everything else was just cinematic perfection.

granted, they didn't exactly stick the landing but i'm hard pressed to figure out how i might've done better with 75 minutes & a soft mandate to sort of wrap things up.

True Detective: Genisys

the underwear featured in "Samurai Cop" has 100% more raw sexuality than anything Wiseau could dream up.