
Considering that he had to murder multitudes of the Machine because it was dangerous and homicidal, I suspect that rebuilding its personality from scratch isn't going to be part of the plot.

More standalone episodes? It was sold to CBS as a case-of-the-week format. They have to keep pretending, at least a little. :P

I was thinking that there was no way they'd kill Elias without him learning about the Machine. He has been trying to dig that secret out of Harold for a long long time now.

Is your last name Greer?

Whedon indulges in a little too much self-congratulation in many of his shows. I'd rather this stay out of his hands.

People can be pointlessly cruel, especially when they think they're right. Look at any comment section and you'll instantly find hundreds of people who would probably turn that cookie on for 10 million years (I did the math) and chuckle about it at the bar (pub…I guess) later.

Simple. Hamm spent 5 years with the cookie. What cop, for a day job, is going to spend 5 years interrogating and living with a suspect? If I had to spend 5 years endlessly at work, I'd kill myself. Hamm's character was entirely desperate. He NEEDED that confession more than anything and was willing to put in the time

He wasn't underdeveloped at all. I felt like his wife leaving him was a logical conclusion, considering that (while she may not have been privy to all of his activities) she surely knew who he was inside and had probably been sick of it for a long time.

Personally, I'd just flee to a less developed country where folks couldn't afford to replace their eyes and where the UK legal block didn't apply. Not ideal, but a heck of a lot better than suicide.

The digital clone received a punishment they thought it deserved. It had no rights. They saw it as nothing more than a program. You know if we had AI like that today, people would abuse them with far worse treatment than that on a regular basis. Maybe our own monstrousness is part of why we're terrified of it.

Or, perhaps, just desperate enough to not obsess over the details. After all, the ultimate point of his character was that he was a narcissistic coward. When threatened with something real, he took the first thing they offered him. Look at his eyes after he leaves Joe. He's trying to look confident, but he's terrified.

Cake is awesome. So is Loretta. So is pie.

To be fair, most folks drive old cars… We're not all rich enough to replace our vehicles with brand new ones every 2 years…

Also, if Raylan had shot Boyd, it would've been the final nail in the coffin of his soul as opposed to the start of the long climb back into the light. It would have confirmed that you truly can't leave Harlan alive. Doing the right thing was always the final challenge for Raylan and, while he may have been forced

We cut lumber together

But it fit… :P

Wynn Effing Duffy. That is all.

I doubt it's just the writers. CBS never wanted a serialized storyline and they had to head-fake them with the first season, crammed full of case-of-the-week episodes. They still have to maintain a veneer of that formula or they'll get axed almost immediately. Big networks, and their non-committal attitudes, are awful

A few states away. Though, coincidentally, my wife and I will be moving to that area of Philly next month!

I wish. At least there we would've had beaches to offset the admissions and prostitution scandals.