Stacy L.

When you get back to work tomorrow, please let us women who went to work today (to prove our worth by DOING, not by shaming our employers) know what S.M.A.R.T objectives you achieved. kthx

And the declaration, pretty much, that Trump is a shitty president before the guy has even taken office.


Wow. And I saw good person helping not-so-good person.

Do you have a "recently deleted" folder on your TiVo? We do…the ep would be there.

Yeah I guess what I saw was a solid relationship between Kate and Kevin and how not every scene with the two of them revolved around her weight. She wasn't in a big Kate Bubble the whole show. If she's going to interact with others, she's going to HAVE to have something else going on. We discovered Kevin isn't "just a

Bearded Jess!

Yes!!! That's what I loved about GG and Sookie.

That was one of the big turnoffs for me, initially. The "overweight woman" seems like just a cliche now in TV but blessedly, there's more to Kate than the weight-loss struggle. Report back after you watch.

I wasn't a big fan of Parenthood, so after I saw the trailer and heard TIU was "Parenthood-esque", I figured I wouldn't like it. Too sappy, too sentimental. But…I watched the pilot and it was really, really good. My husband even liked it. I do agree though, that I'm a bit confused as to where we can go with the show

Please please please…more Maya Rudolph!

I would like to just point out that at no time, did my mom ever have it going on.

One of my favorite movies is Soapdish…and GM as Edmund Edwards? He was so wonderfully smarmy.

I first found Jennifer Esposito on Spin City - great in that, as well! Also enjoyed her on Blue Bloods.

I'd completely forgotten Melissa McCarthy was on Samantha Who? ! Loved that show…yet another clever ABC comedy that (IMO) met a far-too-early demise.


I can't believe the Internet hasn't shut down this sexist, misogynistic, socially ignorant sham of a movie in favor of one with a more progressive, brave, female-based cast.

I wasn't nuts about the final season, but it was just so light and fun…and got some good social points across without beating you senseless with them. :)

I can't stand Rosie, but have found her oddly charming on MG. It both surprises and pains me to say that. She seems to have found an "Off" switch, God bless her.

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