
Denis O'Hare deserved a nomination for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series as Liz Taylor in American Horror Story.

Cameron Crowe and Woody Allen both Oscar winning Hollywood directors/writers offers you a role. Maybe she got blinded by that and wanted their names on her resume. Even the leaked Sony emails revealed that the script was confusing and messy.

It is Emma herself that needs to stop accepting roles of "spirited young thing who brings comfort to a disillusioned older man."

I enjoyed that Oscar ceremony when he hosted that year. Loved the bit when he introduced presenters Susan Sarandon/Tim Robbins and what they said next.

All I know is that I couldn't stop laughing to the point my stomach ached when I wached his interviews with Harmony Korine and Paris Hilton post jail time.

so you didn't like it?

"Charlize Theron, in what may be the best action heroine performance since Sigourney Weaver duked it out with a queen alien."

Who's lovely to look at but…. scarjo or Emily?

But she stood up to Rumlow, saved the tech guy and questioned Agent Sitwell/Pierce. She represented good SHIELD.

Blame Marvel execs who wanted more Black Widow (starpower, scarjo, yada yada) and Agent 13's role which was initially larger got reduced. Too bad the directors complied.

Yeah, I like the script, hope this movie happens with these two.

I've read the script, and I hope these two sign on and the movie happens. The roles fits them percectly. It's a slighlty new take on the love story cliche.