Weather Machine 1 Nature 0


Thank you Latoya, Kyle and Alasdair for giving this ridiculous sport an insightful coverage. I'll miss you guys and everyone here who thought that watching grown men and women play fight isn't weird. To anyone reading this I give a very somber "Suck it." Good bye and good night.

YES! This is my introduction to Zack Sabre Jr and he's a damn wrestling machine. His match with Tanahashi is probably my favorite after Naito and Ibushi.

American Alpha would have fit that bill so well since the whole point of this feud is MURICA RULEZ everyone else DROOLZ

Not to shit on Raw tonight because it was actually pretty good, but has anyone been watching the G-1? Almost every match has been enthralling, and it just makes me so happy to be a wrestling fan right now.
Also, anybody have predictions to take the trophy home? I want my boy Naito to win but Kenny is also a good

Why can't Rusev just have a handsome gimmick damn it?!

Am I the only one that finds Paul Heyman's promos about Joe being a excommunicated Samoan kind of weird. Like where is that coming from?

I think the kurt angle mystery is obvious. He is having a love affair with Scott Steiner and this will lead to a match at Summerslam between the two even though Angle knows he can't beat him. And Samoa Joe will be there as well.

Enzo looking taller in that image gave me a good laugh.

What are you talking about? The bear was the second best part of the show. Heath Slater selling that bear hug was the highlight of Raw.

It's so odd to see elotes described as some ethnic cuisine, since I grew up in east Los Angeles where every 10 minutes I'd here "elote guy" honking his horn and selling elotes out of his sopping cart.

I was ok with it because the whole scene was tonally weird but I did kind of laugh at inadvertently causing kid's death= epic facepalm

However, mocking Mexicans for liking beans is always funny *fart-noise*

I remember when I first got my xbox and my mom bought me a couple of these "double-feature" xbox games because they were cheap and there was two of them. I can't remember two of those four games, but one was Tetris and the other was Jet Set Radio future, which to this day, is still my favorite game of all time.

Yes, but in what way does Joe resemble a dog? And he did not beat an old man at wrestlemania to claim property, so he cant possibly beat Bork.

Joe calmly telling Paul that he was going to choke him out made me audibly gulp. Joe seriously came off as the most intense and intelligent person on the roster today.

I wish Kurt would do that on a regular basis.
"Roman, for quoting a looney tunes character, I'm putting you in a match with Braun Strowman."

I died when Kurt told Alexa how bad the "this is your life" segment was. I'm glad to see that management recognizes they fucked up that one.

*beep, boop, beep, boop….*
"Rusev Udrya, Rusev Machka, Rusev Busy, leave Rusev message at tone."
Rusev fans: FINE WHO NEEDS YA ANYWAYS, WE GOT JINDER….please come back.

If all this means that a babyface Rusev is taking the belt off of Jinder then I'm all in.