
So what is it that bothers you so much about the three… that they're chubby, they're white, or they're boys? Believing that you're the best at something is NOT a bad thing…and it certainly is less obnoxious in my opinion than declaring that you're better than those of the other gender simply because of your own

That's a fair point…but I have to admit, I'm kinda glad Jenna is out too. I mean lets be honest here…if one of those boys was saying 'boys are better than girls,' there would be outrage about how such a message could harm a girl's self esteem. So maybe having a girl who says 'girls are better than boys' also sends a

So what… white boys shouldn't be allowed to make it to the final, even if their sre were better than those of the other kids they faced? Sorry but I think that's just ridiculous. Equality should be about equal opportunities, not equal outcomes!