
Never watched his videos and 'transformative' isn't the word I'd used, but a video review that uses clips will probably illustrate the reviewers point much better than no clips at all.

I love that moment when Steve Coogan's wife has sex with a random guy in the bathroom and a janitor nearby reveals himself to be the man being depicted and says 'I definitely don't remember this happening…'

While it'd be nice to see Pitt branch out a bit, the truth is he's just really good at the deadpan, truth-bomber persona.

"Pratt was a reality TV insider and knew how to manipulate the tabloid
press for maximum effect. What neither he nor Montag anticipated,
however, was that the public would take all of this at face value."

'Surviving members of Nirvana' is an odd turn of phrase. I mean… I guess they did well to survive not committing suicide?

When the main storyline wraps up you really don't need to watch anymore. I tried again recently to get through the last 10 episodes or so and it's just no longer fun - though admittedly knowing the final cliffhanger ahead of time didn't help.

That's an unflattering header picture, but 60? Come on.

And even Coogan (50) looks quite young for his age… which makes Rudd a freak.

TV shows are free, though. And, I would argue, don't get nearly as much media coverage, months in advance, as the average Marvel blockbuster, which is a big part of why some get weary of it all.

Perhaps the difference is we only get one Bond film every 2-3 years. We get at least two Marvel movies every year. Coupled with the disproportionate media attention these films get, it's not hard to see why that might induce fatigue in some viewers.

Called it!

Judd Apatow?

Is it the House trope of the writers assuming TV geniuses can be unmitigated assholes? That only really works if you have an actor like Laurie who can sell how damaged he is at the same time.

Devil's Advocate: you have to work brutal hours for something critics will barely pay attention to and you can probably kiss a film career goodbye. I assume that quote is more concerned with mildly established actors rather than desperate nobodies, however.

Almost every European who visits the US is fascinated/appalled by the relentless pharmaceutical commercials on TV over there. If you're not accustomed to it they really are surreal.

If they're not being adopted, they're not viable competition.

I totally agree with this post on the proviso that you're aware 'reactionary' doesn't mean 'quick to react'.

As loud as the Twitter death rattle is, there's still no viable alternative for in-jokey media types out there. 90% of the 'Twitter is dying' noise is written on Twitter itself.

It's amazing Facebook still uses the algorithmic newsfeed. By arbitrarily hiding user updates it gives the impression that not many of your friends bother with Facebook any longer, which is surely the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the site wants.
