
Boo, Blackadder's great. But yes, I'm in wait-and-see mode with Laurie. Part of me is relieved he hasn't quite turned into the sarcastic swear machine all the others have just yet, and his ambiguous motivation is still refreshing on a show where it's obvious for everyone else, but if we have to wait until next season

Yup, just realized that's where I recognize her.

There was way too much Jonah. I'll give the writers the benefit of the doubt and assume they're mocking how people react to sexual assault rather than the act itself, but it hasn't been a funny enough plot thread to carry on for this long.

It definitely wasn't as good as the Think Of It equivalent, but Ben and Kent had some great moments. "I… will wait until you have asked a question."

Yeah, the reviewer seems to be rewarding the novel format rather than the laughs. I did like the backstabbing ending though (even if Bill was totally underused once he became part of the team).

I'm going to be charitable and assume the trailer has wrung every God Bless American sentiment it possibly can from the film.

Fine, you've at least addressed issues with the actual book. It's the taking shots at people who enjoy these kind of things that I find unbearably smug. No-one's impressed.

I haven't read it, but the whole 'art that stupid people think is clever' criticism is starting to drain my soul. I see it everywhere online now, and it's a discussion killer.

Well, he is the Che Guevara of comedy…

Off topic but, as a Brit, I get the impression Americans take stand-up comedy a lot more seriously as an art form. I've never met anyone over here who has even suggested getting into it, much less does it.

I genuinely can't think of an actor who's aged better than her. I'm not sure I actually liked the sleepy affectation she played Belinda with last year, but now she's scared she's much easier to empathize with.

He implied. You inferred.

That's what's wearisome to me: discussions about True Detective always boil down to 'this show thinks it's clever but it's not, and people who think it's clever are idiots.' A lot of strawmen.

I certainly think the gulf in quality between the first two seasons is huge. Admittedly I have an allergy to case of the week shows (I make no apology for thinking procedurals are almost always shit), but season 2 was transcendent television. The style, tone and interactions were perfect.

"I know being anti-procedural is what good TV nerds are supposed to do these days, but there are plenty of brilliant procedurals throughout TV history."

I rewatched it after the second season and it still did nothing for me, apart from some nice stylistics. My recommendation for anyone yet to watch Hannibal is always the same: just get through season 1 then you'll really have fun. Its operatic tone finally felt like it had some weight.

I like both shows, but True Detective shits over Hannibal's procedural-heavy first season. I know TD is getting an inevitable backlash, but the only real debate is between that and Hannibal's second season.

I have too big a sentimental attachment to JP to think of Jaws as obviously better, but the fact that Jaws is so disinterested in pandering to kids already makes it seem like a film from another planet compared to today's blockbusters.

It is pretty cool. I can usually take or leave theme park rides, but hearing the various stages of the soundtrack as you go along really adds to it.

Agreed. She still has blood on her hands.