
I'm beginning to wonder if my hashtag didn't make the sarcasm obvious enough. #dejected

Good Job Internet?


The crap graphics of the first belied how adult and seminal the content was. I spent a lot of hours just playing the demo.

Aren't the Bond movies already time capsules?

I disagree - for all the talk of McCann in the past it was pretty galling to actually see it in action. I'm glad we did.

That snark seems unnecessary - the poster was obviously playing devil's advocate. Almost every episode after season 3 seemed to hammer home the idea that Don got his just desserts for such a transient lifestyle.

I'm still bemused by the whole 'light' beer thing that seems to have become the norm in America. I know Miller and Coors taste like shit anyway, but in a nation that appears to pride itself on manliness a hell of a lot more than its European counterparts, how did that happen?

But unlike Limbaugh they're actually right about the stuff they criticize.

I don't think it's meant to be *that* funny, more than just another reason to roll our eyes at Hollywood's lack of creativity.

It currently has 73% on rotten tomatoes, so it ain't just Dowd.

I really enjoyed Outlast but I've no idea how other people feel about it.

Definitely the best of this half season so far. If that's our last Pete episode I'll take it. The behavior of the staff at the end wasn't realistic, but it worked on a metaphorical level: this isn't another new beginning.

I didn't care for her either. At the time a lot of people said she was Don's equal but no - she fell (and paid) for his charm like all the rest of them.

Them drinking beer struck me as more of an acceptance of the 70s. Still weird to see Roger doing it, though. Probably the first time onscreen.

The only walkthroughs with commentary I can tolerate are survival horror ones, because I'm too shit scared to play them on my own and its the only way I can experience those games.

There's no 'finally' about it - many, many people have objected to their direction after that album. It's basically a cliche complaint after 15 years. (And not one I share - Kid A and In Rainbows are great records.)

I like them, but boy were they hyped up beyond all proportion when they first came onto the scene.

I watch GoT like I watch Mad Men - the world and its characters compel me. If I gave a damn about the plot moving forward I've have quite long ago.

It's a major paper that's unapologetically left-wing. Does the US even have any of those?