Whitney H

Our school required that you took PE or ROTC, so I chose ROTC instead, but I never heard of anyone showering at the end of PE. I think they have a chance to "freshen up" but I never had an issue with smelly people around.

She most definitely didn't say "gay." She said "gag." But her accent made it pronounced like "gayg."

Reading these recaps/comments may be one of my favorite parts of watching HIMYM. Way to go AV Club and fans.

The germophobe in me freaked out so much when that happened. Shouldn't the parents have been like, "uh… what?"

The germophobe in me freaked out so much when that happened. Shouldn't the parents have been like, "uh… what?"

This is actually exactly what I saw happening as well. Here's hoping!

This is actually exactly what I saw happening as well. Here's hoping!

Close, but no cigar. It's Bear McCreary. A- for effort though!

Close, but no cigar. It's Bear McCreary. A- for effort though!