Dr Pretorius

Didn't Billy play a kitten to lure out the killer gorillas in E-den? So, it's in his wheelhouse, is what I'm saying.

More like Laurence Fist-burn, amirite?

I caught his live show with Shawn Colvin in Boston last year, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not particularly a Colvin fan (or detractor, for that matter), but after seeing them perform together I'm interested to see what they'd come up with in the studio.

I'm not very objective when it comes to Steve Earle, and I have a great deal of affection for even his weakest albums. But The Low Highway is a solid answer to anyone who thought he was starting to lose his game.

I was going to de-lurk to say exactly this. If I wanted to turn someone on to Steve Earle, I'd put I Feel Alright in their hands over anything else. (Actually, I'd take them to a Dukes show, tbh.) But I also think I Feel Alright and El Corazon are of a piece, very much like Rubber Soul and Revolver.