
No Christmas cake for you!

I actually started eating this because it was one of the lowest-salt items on the menu, and McD's is the lone stop at the halfway point between my home and my parents' house. Not healthy, but better than most of the other stuff on the menu. Now that my parents are gone and I have no excuse to eat one, I find myself

A lot of the time he's simply being honest and saying what we wish we could, and people are offended by that honesty. But sometimes he really is an asshole, and at those times most of his fans let him know that. There are always apologists for anyone though.

Oh GOD these are stupid books. Or at least the first one is. A teenage girl is the top assassin alive but really, deep inside, she's just a teenage girl with a heart of gold who wants to dress up in pretty dresses like any other girl and date the head of the king's guards.

Red Eye used to be a fun irreverent show poking fun at everyone, with excellent musical guests and commentary when it first started out. I have no idea what Gutfeld is doing now on the station, but I liked him back then when he created and hosted it.

I'll bow to you on the first point since I haven't seen the movie, only many examples of fridging in the movie and book world and did assume it was arbitrary and only to give him motive.

I don't need a darker version of The Tick. Sounds like Adam ruined this too.

Why not? Because it turns his wife into a fridged woman who exists for no reason but to be raped so as to develop his character and give him reason to act. Whenever that's done, it's an insult to women everywhere. If they want to include rape, why not rape him? The sexual abuse of black men by whites is never

They do Ghibli and other anime art movies.

The Blue Streak will always be my first love. I rode it first when I was 8 and barely hit the height limit, and was flying out of the car except my uncle grabbed me by the seat of my pants. Ah the good old days…

Comedies- we like them best if they aren't funny. — The AV Club

You sound old.

I fast forwarded through a lot of it. It's more of the same old post season 5 crap, maybe a little better, but not by much.

This is the best review I've read of this season. They kept skipping along the tips of the waves, ignoring the ocean underneath.

Putting Romance-genre readers, including Harlequin readers into a stereotypical box called "stupid and entitled" is truly ignorant in this day and age. It's belittling women who like to take a hour or two break with a sexual or romantic fantasy, attempting to shame them for enjoying content the world at large

Basically, if you don't know what Christian romance is, that just means you're not writing/reading it. I've read a couple, and it ranges from Christianity being important to the characters' lives to holding fast to standard old-timey Christian-type ideals. You know it when you see it.

Yes, obviously I meant that my words were to be the singular truth for all humankind, and not just my opinion.

I wonder if that means they're being deleted from Crunchyroll?

Tigana is his best, but it's too much for a novice. I tried that with a few folks and they ran away. Lions of Al Rassan is a better choice, unless they love high fantasy, in which case Fionavar.

The Silmarillion isn't readable, except for a couple of the stories within. It's basically a notebook that has a few interesting parts. But Farmer Giles etc are closer to children's lit, and are very readable. Quite short as well. I found them to be charming.