
Do you remember Barney Doom? That was the most satisfying and terrifying mod, when you heard that voice in the distance getting closer, singing "I love you…", it made you want to run screaming, then you faced it and blew that purple mf away.

My God I loved those games, and played every wad I could find for them (which meant taking the Doom ones and converting them most of the time).

Boil first and rinse, then add to your broth. It's how the Japanese eat them when they're not eating the real thing. You can see the fat in what you dump off.

Sapporo Ichiban chow mein has about half the salt typical ramen does. I use it to make yakisoba.

Their noodles are unique, not so mushy even after a long soak. They're easy to pick out.

I got stuck at the top of one once. At Cedar Point in fact.
10 years old, the Blue Streak, last run of the night, a slight rain,
and they stopped it at the top of the first hill. We had to walk down
an old slippery wooden coaster in the dark. Holy crap that was scary. And the next time I went I must have ridden that

So, an adult making fun of kids who are doing something merely to express and share their enthusiasm. How clever.

They have a terrible education system that turns their kids into little robots who think learning is memorization. At least, that what all the Japanese people I know who left Japan to come to the US and Canada tell me. They wanted kids who could think for themselves and be themselves.

Keep in mind that GRRM has said that he has no idea how children act, so he has them act as adults. He also gave them ages far younger than he should have for their behavior in the books. Bran is 7 and Arya 9 in the books, though they've been aged up in the show.

The thought of a gay character played by Jim Carrey makes me cringe. I'm surprised that movie made any money at all.

I don't know my dad's mom's maiden name… She did die before I was born though so she's never been a presence in my life. …. OK, I just asked my brothers and neither have any idea. Ah, some information! My sister said it starts with a W and has about 18 syllables. My parents are no longer alive so I guess we will

This isn't sexy to you?

He exaggerates everything to the point that it's complete melodrama, and the book is considered a joke in Japan.

I'd like to see a little more of the other 5 we didn't see in the trailer. Denzel looked great. Pratt looked like an idiot, not even knowing how to fire a pistol for a role that is defined as being a master of doing just that. Maybe the other 5 guys will bring something to the table. (Ha, like a cheeseburger and Cajun

Meh. My whole family is Polish, most of us still over in Poland, and we all love them. A clever joke is funny no matter what it's about.

The difference is in how they were handled. The rape in Outlander was brutal and the aftermath dealt with extensively. After all, the rape victim was a man. In GoT the rape was used to to further a male character and told from his point of view extensively, with a few minutes later devoted to Sansa. Rape of a man

Sorry, I meant it's a series with an Asian male lead romantically involved with a white female lead that is more than one season. We haven't yet seen season two, but it's coming.

Master of None?

Their roast beef is terrible, but oddly, I liked their Reuben the one time I tried it. It's not deli-level Reuben, but it was a whole lot better than the rest of what they offer. Oh, their baked potatoes are served in a bucket o' melted fake butter. Disgusting.