
Subtitles aren't meant to match the dub in anime. Dubs take liberties with the dialogue so as to make it most clear to those watching, and assumes they have little familiarity with Japanese culture. Subtitles are more accurate translations and assume some familiarity with Japan.They are always different on English

She might not care about the adult sections of the story. It's slow-moving and it meant a lot to me as an adult woman, but I can't imagine seeing it the same way as a child.

I read a book last year where a couple of scientists go back in time and become Jesus' bros, and he's kind of a demon hunter. I mean, who wouldn't read such a book? But even with that incredible plot idea, the book was a disappointment.

I guess that now that she's been raped she's allowed to be strong.

It's not 10 years old.

Answers, based upon reading the book (which is bad because the TV show should have explained these). Children, because the birth of a child was the catalyst and would only change those who had been born since the overlord's came. A Golden Age, because they wanted peace to ensure the survival of the catalyst child. It

If you try the book, stick with it. The prose in the first half of the book is functional but not much more. But by the end it's darned near poetry.