
Brian Cox: Neither Stargazing Live nor D:Ream.

Between Morgan Freeman and Alanis Morissette, I think we can confirm that this is definitely God's birthday. Which is weird, because according to James Ussher the world was created on October 23, 4004, so I guess She spent nearly five months just hanging around the formless void.

Yeah, trying to be fair against my own instincts may have led to some over-correction. But there were definitely things the X-Men could have done better in this whole mess. There just weren't any things the Inhumans could have done worse.

Okay, so after Secret Wars we get a flash forward to some months later, and Cyclops is dead. No explanation; everyone talks around it that makes it clear that he did something terrible. Everyone hates him. Amadeus Cho refers to him as "mutant Hitler" in front of young Cyclops, who does not seem to object to this

I would have liked to see Peyton the lawyer become Peyton the rules lawyer.

Oh, gods, imagine how he'd react to the Patty Spivot mess. "Damn it, Barry, don't let one big secret force you to drive away the brilliant, gorgeous, blonde lady-cop who's super into you! Wait a minute…"

Tanner Mayes: Slutty & Sluttier 13

I had forgotten The Rookie, and was happier for it.

Irish Colin Farrell was, of course, the star of the excellent In Bruges, in which he gave a brilliant performance as a tragic, dumb, charming, suicidal hitman with strong views about violence against women.

Worse than Pink Cadillac? Worse than The Dead Pool? Worse than Any Which Way You Can?

Yeah, yeah, crazy old man talks to chairs, incredibly shitty boyfriend, but Clint Eastwood has made some genuinely great movies, as both an actor and a director. Unforgiven and The Outlaw Josey Wales deserve to be on any list of the greatest Westerns of all time.

They covered this in the fourth film. Zombies don't need to breathe, so NASA could save vast amounts of money by sending him to the Moon.

Yeah, Star Trek needs to be about exploration and discovery, not two-hour action movies.

For me, The Sarah Connor Chronicles is the only true continuation.

You didn't like watching Bruce Willis have a gunfight with an F-35?

I love the X-Men. I grew up with the cartoon and the comics. I have strong opinions about the characters. I even have some fanfiction stuck in the hard drive of a dead computer somewhere in my parents' loft.

I'd like to see Clive discover the TV show and spend two or three episodes hyping it up to everybody and telling them how great it is, and then his binge-watch brings him to season two and we get to watch his joy and enthusiasm wither and die.

Point. DAs make enemies, and Mr Boss is back in town…

She also says she didn't do it. But do what? She didn't stab three people to death because she's part of a creepy satanic cult? She didn't park with one wheel over the line?

Was it stated that they were dead at 0HP? I mean, when Brangelina got zapped Liv didn't have time to say anything before Peyton tried to leave and Moscow Bandywax went full space invader with the first aid. And if they really were dead at 0, would Liv have allowed that to work?