
Major won't be evil, he just won't believe in zombies.

I'm mostly worried that if he wins his mayoral campaign we'll lose one of the show's best punny names.

I was just wondering if she's going to have to pay for that camera.

Does that mean… wait… the secret ingredient in Max Rager is Roy Harper?

Oasis seemed an odd choice, but it worked perfectly for them.

There's always room for more ways to like, admire, adore, and lust after Liv Moore.

RIP Roy Harper, killed offscreen so Major could eat his brains.

What do you mean, "for naught"? It let America convince itself it won a war despite the complete failure of the invasion of Canada.

I share a name with three of my cousin-uncles.

They're changing things up. Barry will refuse to apologise despite continuing the same pattern of secret-keeping and incompetence, and Caitlin will murder the shit out of somebody and then tell them to "chill out". Or possibly "ice knowing you". Or "stay frosty". Something like that, you get where I'm going with this.

Last time Cyclops needed to break out of prison, he just got Magneto to tear down the walls and then remove his power suppressor.

It took me most of the first season to get over its failure to adapt the comic and just embrace it on its own terms.

I'm just disappointed that they introduced the Chekhov's gun of Right Said Fred, and then never fired it by having Lucifer disrobe while declaring himself too sexy for his shirt.

The real irony is that they pulled a total Jason Takes Manhattan on viewers - the mayhem doesn't actually begin until, like, 15 minutes before the end of the movie. Plus it's clearly shot on a soundstage.

I hate this gatekeeping approach to sluttish behaviour. Like, suddenly the fact that you've never given a handjob to a bearded trucker in Winnipeg means all your other efforts count for nothing.

1: Turns out he was cooking a delicious birthday cake.

I enjoyed that show immensely while it was on, but the only characters I really miss are Doc Yewll and Datak Tarr.

Fun family fact: My uncle dated Joanna Lumley back in the 60s. By which I mean, they went on one date and then he ditched her halfway through to go drinking with his friends. A story he still tells with an air of regret, despite his 45 years of happy marriage to a wonderful lady.

Okay, obviously Candy Morningstar sounds like a stripper who Lucifer met in Vegas. But I really hope the show goes another route, and has her be a brilliant geologist who Lucifer met while camping out in Yellowstone Park, who is absolutely sick of being judged on the fact that her parents thought "Candace" was a

American. James Bond is British; that's the whole damn point of him.