
The first thing I saw Tony Curran in was This Life, in which he played the gay Scottish plumber for a couple of episodes, and wore a kilt to a wedding for easy access.

37. Amy Lee

"I'm sorry, Bruce. While you were busy being the Hulk, I got into this weird flashback pseudo-relationship with Ichabod Crane which ignores the existence of his wife and ultimately goes nowhere."

That's Jennifer Connelly of Career Opportunities. I love the scene with the rocking horse, you guys know the one I mean…

Isn't Rita Ora that kids' drink with the racist adverts?

A lot of people think Christian Grey is a dreamboat, and murderous Nazi psychopath Grant Ward just needs a hug. People are weird, and the internet wants what the internet wants.

Why the fuss about gay Disney princesses? I thought Once Upon A Time had established that Mulan was gay, Snow White hooked up with Red Riding Hood before she met Prince Charming, and Merida was way more interested in making time with Mulan than hanging out with Shirtless Chieftain Boy.

This year genre TV gave us a fantastic subplot about a heroine's sister coming to terms with her own sexuality after meeting a sexy lady cop. It was charming and funny and well acted.

You say that, but remember Barry just gave his secret identity to Alchemy literally the same episode he learned he was Draco.

They go to the same sex club, you probably don't want the details.

I really hope it's Black Siren pretending to be regular Laurel. I love a good villain-pretending-to-be-hero plot.

Yeah, that would be nice. But her motivation as stated does not make her look smart.

Dear Artemis,

I don't watch The Flash until after a full day's worth of comments have accumulated, and I gave up on reading anything by Oliver Sava during season two of Agent Carter, so the Arrow reviews are the only place I get to complain about the Dikachu DC CW universe.

Yeah, but the rest of the MCU likes to pretend Agents of SHIELD doesn't exist (probably out of envy because it has the best villains, and also the best mad scientists who aren't actually villains but do morally questionable things out of intellectual curiosity), so there's no reason they shouldn't continue that trend.

So… do we think they'll include such details as the Inhumans keeping a literal slave race, the royal family's centuries-long death grip on super powers that lets them retain absolute authority, and their releasing a genocidal death-cloud which also randomly transforms people against their will?

Daisy Johnson in the comics was a teenaged super-agent who was the best at everything and could intimidate Wolverine and was drawn as a young Angelina Jolie, and then she became director of SHIELD.

Every time they bring in YoYo and give her focus, I think: "Damn it, this is it. They're killing her off. How dare you, show. How bloody dare you… oh, wait. She's alive, and mackin' on Mack. Carry on."

And presumably Aida scanned May's brain while she was helping cure her of the crazy ghost touch thing a few episodes back.

Eli, buddy. You've clearly read the script, but just let me give you a note. "I'll show them, I'll show them all." is meant to be yelled, preferably while cackling madly.